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towing a load


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So I get this call from a friend. he wants to re-roof his house and needs new shingles and finds this killer deal bout 60 miles outta town. So if course I have the truck and trailer. who does he call? yep, ME! we drive on out and load up the trailer. over 8000lbs of roofing on TOP of my 1800lb trailer!!!! while loading the trailer with the fork lift and pushing 3 pallets onto my flatbed the rear wheels of the truck were off the ground!!!! Now I be no means beat my truck but I was impressed. so once loaded we took off for home I do have to say once the load was level and we hit the highway the SS came thru with flying colors! even my ford loving buddy was surprised!!! just wanted to share with you all. I wish I woulda got pics. maybe next time.

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Heheheheh, you said load... :crackup:


Glad you had a hitch ball that didn't let go when the rear end was off of the ground. I had one pop loose on me one time when the latch came off of the ball... busted the wires clean off and popped a few fuses... Luckily that wasn't on the SSS though. Glad you had fun and made it home safe with the load! :cheers:

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One thing I learned when loading my 6,000 lb tractor....


Set the parking brake, as the rear pops off the ground EASILY.


I even put the WD hitch from the camper on it to help with the load. It is quite a bit of load for this truck. Power wise no problem, but frame has quite a bit more flex than the 3/4 ton.


For any REAL distance, I won't use the SS. It moves around on the road too much.

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