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what a weekend


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Planned a cabin trip this weekend a few of us left late and i hoped a ride with my friend in his jeep. Going great till we found this down hill swamp. Needless to say at the bottom was a mud slick that we hit and only made it 20 ft before we sunk to to the frame. about that time the guys on fourwheelers in front of us told us that we took the wrong trail. 10 hrs later we finally make it back up the hill to only get stuck yet again but only wedge it in. Thanks to 2 broken winches, and two fourwheelers we were able to get the jeep safely home. If we would have had winches on the jeep and another vehicle it would have made it a lil quicker. A total of nine of us were able to get it out.....3 that showed up 4 hrs after we had been there. Dont think anybody took a digital pic of that. Finally made it to the cabin tho which was so relaxing...

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i dont know if anybody took dig pics ill have to wait till my friend gets his developed to scan them wish we would have got one in the rut i was standing in up to my knee

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I wanted to go 4wheeling up there so bad but i was affraid of something like that happning

yea, i knew something like that would thats why i packed an extra set of everything in my bag and put trash bags over them to keep them dry...im really happy i had an extra set of boots ill ask my friend to send me the pics asap

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