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Korea fires long range missles!


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if you have been watching the news you have probably seen north korea is testing its long range missle. im not really scared but it sucks they have the ability to make it to the western part of the u.s. i just hope we have the power to be able to prevent an attack if it ocurs! whats your thought on this??

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The reports that I saw on it said that it is still many years until they have a missile capable of making it to the western states. The missiles they're firing now are basically sooped up Soviet SCUDs...

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My opinion = *yawn* Kim just wants a big chip to bargain with when he goes to the negotiating table. I say we take that chip away from him; so far looks like the UN agrees, wish the international response was a bit more 'decisive' though.


Mr. P.

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They are just trying to get attention, as usual. The Taepo Dong ICBM was designed with the capability to hit only the Aleutians in Alaska, so if they could get a targeting system to work, they could hit Alaska and Hawaii. So far no comment from the Russians, whose territorial waters the missiles landed in. Stupid as their leader is, he knows all of NK would be turned into a green glass parking lot if he so much as mounted an M80 on one of those weapons.


They got their nuclear weapons technology from Pakistan, you do know that, right?


Dont sweat it. They are just blowing smoke.

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My opinion = *yawn*  Kim just wants a big chip to bargain with when he goes to the negotiating table.  I say we take that chip away from him; so far looks like the UN agrees, wish the international response was a bit more 'decisive' though.


Mr. P.



Kim is just trying to get world to notice him. He figures if he shoots of a few rockets, and states that his Nuclear program is more advanced than it really is, the world will lift sanctions and start to do business with him. He is more pissed at the USA for trying to nagotiate with Iran, over N. Korea. Bottom line, the man is a psychotic TOOL!!!!


I say we take an ICBM and do a nice little "Fly-By" on Kim's Presidential Compound ... Just as a little remiender of which countries can reach out and *Touch* him.

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