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4th of July


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You gotta admit its funny hearin his skinny partner guy scream whenever hes gettin his hair pulled haha :crackup: Its weird I thought that movie wasn't gonna be that great, then everyone who saw it talked it up and said it was so funny, so I went to see it. Then it ended bein jus okay like I orgionally though! I musta been gettin the wrong opinions...

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Haven't seen it...in fact the only movie I've seen in the past year at a theatre is the new Superman...and it kicked Ass! thanks to net flix I don't have to pay$12 a pop to see one... Anyway Independance day was pretty good I drank, and sat on my roof in Mesa watched about 4 different firework shows!

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Haven't seen it...in fact the only movie I've seen in the past year at a theatre is the new Superman...and it kicked Ass! thanks to net flix I don't have to pay$12 a pop to see one...  Anyway Independance day was pretty good I drank, and sat on my roof in Mesa watched about 4 different firework shows!


I did the same thing, drank and sat on my buddies roof and watched fireworks. How safe is that :crackup:

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Breakin' the law, breakin' the law... Banger.gif


The kids, my father, and I were out in my driveway lighting fireworks around 9pm when all of a sudden a local PD Tahoe darts around the corner and runs up at us at a good 40-mph, the cop shouting from the window "Don't light that sparkler in your hand or I will have to write you up..." :confused: He gets out and explains that there is a burn-ban in effect in Stephenville this year so NO fireworks AT ALL including sparklers city council zero-tolerance yada yada yada :nonod: . I manage to talk him down, we have a good 5-min chat and I even introduce him to the kids (made a big deal of them visiting me from CA on summer visitation) and the officer goes on his way (he was a cool guy).


Funny part: We later head to the city park for fireworks show, Stephenville is a small town so it only lasts about 15-minutes. At the end my father says "Well, I guess that's it" to which my 8yr-old daughter half-seriously replies "no, the police probably showed-up and told them to stop". :crackup: You had to be there, it was good for a laugh.


So yesterday morning I overhear my daughter telling her mother on the phone how "the man showed up to put us down". :lol: If she's already this rebellious at 8yrs-old I cannot wait to see what is coming later. :P


Mr. P. :)

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So yesterday morning I overhear my daughter telling her mother on the phone how "the man showed up to put us down".  :lol:  If she's already this rebellious at 8yrs-old I cannot wait to see what is coming later. :P


Oh man, that's great! :crackup:


We drank ourselves silly until 4AM on Monday night/Tuesday morning and did a few bricks of screamin Mimi's, falling stars (like a real firework, just quite a bit smaller), and large bottle rockets. All of them were the big 1/2" round style rockets... none of those pansy little regular ones...


On the evening of the 4th, we lit off 4 bricks of rockets/screamers/falling stars out of 1.5" tubing that I pounded into the ground. I had three tubes and would hang about 15-20 off of each one by the fuse, then light all/most of them all at once with a propane torch! :eek: It still took an hour to light them all off and my wife was doing one at a time as I was setting up the next rounds on the tubes... neighbors all up and down the block applauded after each round, so what else can you ask for??? :cool:


Of course Iowa is regulated to snakes and sparklers... so keep this on the down low. :jester:

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