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is there anyway out?


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well i am looking to change from nextel to cingular because cingular will give me a 25% discount on my monthly bill and 50% off on phones. my problem is i have a little less than a year left on my nextel contract and they want $200 to cancel the contract early. so before i pay the cancellation fee i was wondering if anyone has had this problem and found aa way around it. i was going to wait til the end of the contract but in the long run it will cost me more if i did not cancel.

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Well I have known a few friends to go to their local Nextel store and tell them that they want out of their contract because they use their phone for business and they get poor service/dropped calls in the areas that they use the phone the most. One of my friends was able to get out all together scott free and the other opted to stay on because they gave him a real good deal until the end of his contract. Basically just make up a complaint about something with the service or the phones. In all reality, both of my friends did hate Nextel because the service and quality was always lacking. Cell phone companies do not like to hear negative comments so they will do anything to keep you happy and or as a customer of theirs.


I actually have a friend at college that signed a Cingular contract about a year ago and just got one of the free phones that comes with the 2yr agreement, well after seeing my RAZR and SLVR he decided he wanted a RAZR, but did not want to pay the full price tag $250+. So he went to his local Cingular store and told them that he was buying out the rest of his contract and taking his business elsewhere unless they could do something with the price of the RAZR, sure enough he got a black RAZR for like $99 with a free bluetooth.

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Might want to do some research before jumping ship:




GSM network is way to crowded right now and its only getting worse. T-mobile, ATT/Cingular, and a bunch of mom and pop operations are sharing the same network. You need to get on a provider that has a proprietary network + CDMA backup IMO.


IMO switch over to Sprint, I had almost 10 months left on my Nextel contract when they merged and I was able to migrate over to Sprint, get the new customer discounts, and all I had to pay was a $35 activation/migration fee (plus the upgrade cost to the Treo 650) They gave me my wifes phone for free and a bunch of other discounts for switching over.

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i was going to with sprint but my biggest thing was that sprint i get 17% off my monthly statement and 15% off phones and acces. versus cingular 25% off statement every month and 50% off all phones and acce.

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I had ATT with my last phone and it wasn't bad at all but as soon as Cingular bought them out and my phone automaticly got switched to cingular I never recieved another call and was unable to make any calls. I took the phone back and told them to keep their sh!tty service and shove their cancellation fee because part of the contract was that I had phone service which I didn't. I then switched to Verizon and havn't had a problem.


There is a reason they are called Cingular... You might beable to make one Cingular call while you have their service. :crackup:

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Might want to do some research before jumping ship:




GSM network is way to crowded right now and its only getting worse. T-mobile, ATT/Cingular, and a bunch of mom and pop operations are sharing the same network. You need to get on a provider that has a proprietary network + CDMA backup IMO.


IMO switch over to Sprint, I had almost 10 months left on my Nextel contract when they merged and I was able to migrate over to Sprint, get the new customer discounts, and all I had to pay was a $35 activation/migration fee (plus the upgrade cost to the Treo 650) They gave me my wifes phone for free and a bunch of other discounts for switching over.


:withstupid: my gf's brother works at a nextel store... you can switch to sprint from nextel without any contract cancellation fee

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Might want to do some research before jumping ship:




GSM network is way to crowded right now and its only getting worse. T-mobile, ATT/Cingular, and a bunch of mom and pop operations are sharing the same network. You need to get on a provider that has a proprietary network + CDMA backup IMO.


IMO switch over to Sprint, I had almost 10 months left on my Nextel contract when they merged and I was able to migrate over to Sprint, get the new customer discounts, and all I had to pay was a $35 activation/migration fee (plus the upgrade cost to the Treo 650) They gave me my wifes phone for free and a bunch of other discounts for switching over.


:withstupid: yeah i switched over from nextel to sprint and the service with sprint has been 10x better than with nextel. best part is when you switch over you have 15 days to try it out and if you're not happy you can switch back to nextel and go the Cingular route. sprint and verizon roam on each other's networks (both are CDMA networks) so it's like getting the best of both networks if you decide to go with sprint!



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Might want to do some research before jumping ship:




GSM network is way to crowded right now and its only getting worse. T-mobile, ATT/Cingular, and a bunch of mom and pop operations are sharing the same network. You need to get on a provider that has a proprietary network + CDMA backup IMO.


IMO switch over to Sprint, I had almost 10 months left on my Nextel contract when they merged and I was able to migrate over to Sprint, get the new customer discounts, and all I had to pay was a $35 activation/migration fee (plus the upgrade cost to the Treo 650) They gave me my wifes phone for free and a bunch of other discounts for switching over.


:withstupid: my gf's brother works at a nextel store... you can switch to sprint from nextel without any contract cancellation fee


My friend just switched to Sprint from Nextel and they are making her pay a $200 cancellation fee. They said it was because she changed numbers..... BS!! I hate Nextel!!!

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Might want to do some research before jumping ship:




GSM network is way to crowded right now and its only getting worse. T-mobile, ATT/Cingular, and a bunch of mom and pop operations are sharing the same network. You need to get on a provider that has a proprietary network + CDMA backup IMO.


IMO switch over to Sprint, I had almost 10 months left on my Nextel contract when they merged and I was able to migrate over to Sprint, get the new customer discounts, and all I had to pay was a $35 activation/migration fee (plus the upgrade cost to the Treo 650) They gave me my wifes phone for free and a bunch of other discounts for switching over.


:withstupid: my gf's brother works at a nextel store... you can switch to sprint from nextel without any contract cancellation fee


My friend just switched to Sprint from Nextel and they are making her pay a $200 cancellation fee. They said it was because she changed numbers..... BS!! I hate Nextel!!!


that sounds like BS to me. I've changed numbers before... Never had to pay anything. (this was before my gf's brother worked there)

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