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Rocky VI


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I'm sure no one cares but I think it's awesome. Completely different approach to the film, unlike II, III, IV, and V. It looks as if Stallone is taking a more artistic approach to this movie, like he did in the first one. And if that's so I would look for his wife to be written out, cancer or something to add to the plot.




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I don't care if it gets the worst reviews in history, I LOVE the Rocky movies. Sly won't have to do much to take an artistic aproach at all... his kid could get in on it, spirits could visit him (Apallo could come back), just about anything because at this point it's totally open to come up with.


I was listening to a local radio station about a year or so ago when they had Sly's wife on the phone promoting something she was in town for. The jockey's thought it would be funny to call Sly and bug him in the morning as he was getting his kids ready for school with his wife on the radio... The DJ's jokingly asked if he had any plans for another Rocky comeback... Sly said, "Well, actually, we just penned a deal for Rocky 6 last night"... The DJ's freaked out because they had uncovered an actual Hollywood gosip story, LOL!


Oh, and I hate to ruin it for anyone, but in the end, when things look bad for our hero, Rocky wins! :crackup:

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It's cool that there is an 80's thing going on. With Rocky VI, Die Hard IV, and Miami Vice movies all coming out and the new Superman I feel like it's a strange retro thing. I'm going to love it. :jester:

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It's cool that there is an 80's thing going on. With Rocky VI, Die Hard IV, and Miami Vice movies all coming out and the new Superman I feel like it's a strange retro thing. I'm going to love it.  :jester:


:withstupid: I think the 80's were great.

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