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Well I don't know if you guys remember, but the dealership (3 way chevrolet) completely scratched my truck a few months ago!! and they made it right and repaired it.


And now the peices they replaced are peeling off!!!! WTF, but yeah they agreed to repair it, but they are taking forever, they said they would call me, last last monday!! TWO WEEKS AGO and nothing... ive been working, but i do have a cell phone with me @ all times.


Anyways heres the peice thats peeling off?





Do you guys think I should get more out of this or what? This is some bull with this dealership already!!! Professional Grade my ass...


Anyways when I open the door it rubs up against the front molding after the door and now that peice is really scratched. I don't know what to do any more...

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That's ridiculous........... :banghead: I can't believe that they actually would do such a crappy job..........well, yes I can. It seems that most dealerships don't "take pride" in their work, and prefer to do repairs more as a quota-type of business.

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In my experience, I'd call the owner. Usually, if anyone cares what the dealership is doing, the owner is the guy to talk to. I did once, and now when I walk in, everyone comes a runnin'. One guy brings me coffee, one guy takes the crap out of my truck and throws it in the rental.


When service has been done, the truck is washed, vacuumed, and brought to the front door for me.

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I've got the same problem, with the back right panel next to exhaust tips; that double-sided tape is finicky. If it's too cold out (on initial application) it won't adhere well. The body shop hates to see me coming, they don't like messing with it either.


Mr. P.

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3 Way has gone way downhill. Taking on Cadillac and Hummer was just too much for them. Looks to me like they didnt prep it right before they installed the cladding. Sux because 3 Way used to have one of the best body shops in town.


You're still under warranty, right? I'd take it to Motor City for everything once you get this straightened out. They are treating me very well. If you still want a Chevy dealer then Richland in Shafter is your best bet.

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the body cladding is held on with 3m double stick tape... it doesnt take 2 weeks to fix something like that...  :nono:



Still no call and I got tuesday and wednesday off and im gonna go complain like a little sissy girl. But yeah its gonna take a while for them to fix it anyways. They said they gonna have to remove the cladding, remove the SS emblems and repaint everything and put brand new cladding on my whole driver side except the bed. So i get new emblems and freshly painted door and new cladding. Hopefully they wont take that long, ill miss my baby! :(

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Not to discourage you or anything, but I've been dealing with the same cladding problem for about 3 years now.

(Cladding Issues)


I just had the problem fixed again this past wednesday, hopefully for good this time. The dealership special ordered some 3M tape that has higher specs than the tape that comes on the cladding.


Good luck with the dealership.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have had the same problem here too. What I did to fix the problem is when re-installing the cladding, shift it just a little to the right, so it's further back on the drivers door (about 1/4''). This way there is no possible chance of it catching the fender if it starts to delaminate again. Also I used some body panel adhesive instead of 2 way tape. That piece is not coming off again period.

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