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Raced a Scion tC


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Ok , so I was heading to a buddy of mines house up hwy 27 , and traffic was movin kinda slow so and there was this little red Scion tc on my A$$. Well I finally found an opening so I kicked on it and went around a couple of cars and when I did this little Scion did the same. I left him like he was in reverse , but I really didnt think much of it until we came up to a red light and he asked what I had under the hood. He said that my sss was Quick and said he had a cai and aftermarket exhaust . He said his was quick to but didnt know if he could keep up from a dig or not. Well , the light changed HE took of like a Bat out of Hell . I let him get about 3 cars ahead and then I Kicked on it and I was past him in about 3 seconds . I ran mine up to about 105 and he was at least 15 cars back. Should I feel guilty for ruining his day? I don't think so! :cool:

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Same here, I raced some girls driving one... It was pretty funny watching their faces as I would just toy with them, id let them get ahead and id catch up and keep up the pace and WOT on them! :D:yellow_loser:

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My friend just bought one and he wants a piece of me. I dont know what to say to him though. He thinks that just because hi car is a "sport compact" my truck doesnt have a chance, eventhough he has been in it and has seen me do some crazy shit. Plus he doesnt understand the concept of a TURBO. WTF, hes my friend and all, but it looks like im going to have to put him in his place.

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