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Dell computer question


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just like every other dumbass out there ok i dont know shit haha ur the genius here ****ing stupid for real.  compaq is made with the EXACT SAME PARTS AS THE HP!  dell is the most errornous computer company on the market whether u wanna believe it or not.  again ur the expert u know everything u see it every day at work, and i dont?  please dont be like the stupid customers who ask for the ubs drives and then try to tell u that ur wrong about something.  anywho buy the POS dell cuz its cheaper, i mean saving a few bucks this year and buying another one next year is a lot more efficient right?  600 this year 800 next year its the same as paying a lil extra (750) once right?  dont be stupid ull rgret it, but hey what do i know??? :dunno:


I dont know who you think you are but you need to back down. just because you think dell is trash dont mean that it is. :nono:

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I have a dell latitude for work and i have had it for 2 years and i will say its been great. I havnt had one problem out of it. and i will say out of those 2 years it stays on 22hrs a day.  The only thing i have done to it is add ram. 

  I have had 2 toshiba's.  one was a normal laptop with everything on it. it lasted exactly 3 years and quit working.  i bought a widescreen toshiba and i hate it.  i have had a few minor problems with it too.  Its just too big.

yeah exactly all uve done is add RAM. u prob dont use the comp enough to need anything else. dell is good for typing reports, i wouldnt EVER recommend it for anything more than that. i mean who surfs the internet anyways? and if u got a problem our friends in sri lanka will be gald to assist u within the hour! shipping costs r fairly cheap nowadays right? if u have problems they r here for u(if u can understand them). its ur fault u bought the 17 inch screen, if u want a desktop buy a desktop not a damn 17 inch mammoth. 3 years u needed a new computer anyways, and 3 years is 3X the life of a normal dell GUARANTEED. whoever sold u that toshiba was a douche bet ur battery life sucks too(even tho the new laptoip chips r made to maximize ur battery life). im not saying i know everything cuz thatd be stupid, but seriously thats like telling chip foose how to build a car. :nono:



i use my laptop for more than reports. :lol: Have you ever called dell support??? with my line of work my company installs about 20 servers and about 50 desktops a year along with 20 or so laptops. if we run into a problem its with the software. we have to change the operating system on our servers to 2k server and alot of times the new servers dont like it. when we call dell tech support we always get an american.


when i had a problem with my toshiba i talked to an american and they paid for shipping and they had it back within 2 days. i cant complain about that. i will agree 3 years is usually a good time to upgrade computers. but i know many many many dells that are still running after 4 years. my battery lasts for hours on it. i can watch a movie on full power and still have at least 25% battery left. as for me having the 17", i cant have a desktop because its kinda hard to travel around with one. i thought i would like it. no one sold me my toshiba except me. i dont need some salesman telling me he knows everything :nono:

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be cool man... be cool.... sounds like a pretty good deal to me.... Dell puts out a god product and I would buy stuff from them... although their customer service is a little sketchy... (You always get the guy in the middle east who can hardly speak english :banghead: )

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My folks ordered their computer with this, and I thought it would be cool.  It was jumpy, almost as if the computer couldn't keep up.  I thought I'd lower the quality of the video, but it was already as low as it could go.


The TV tuner works great, but the DVR is slow at best.  I bought an external TV tuner from Best Buy, and it too works good for the TV portion, but not so hot for the recording.  I use the TV tuner with the notebook when we go camping.


ok, so from what I understand the TV tuner is ok, but the DVR sucks. HMM, I guess for some reason I'm kinda liking the TV tuner option. My parents are building a lakehouse for the summer and weekends now and I'm pretty sure they wont be getting cable or satellite there. That's actually one of the reasons I'm getting the laptop because all I have now is my desktop.


you will still need cable for the tuner to work

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if u go with the dell just NEVER try to upgarde it, and another thing don't buy their printers cuz ull have to go through them to get ink for it(another stupid dell thing). i wasnt telling u everything i know but ill tell u this much: more people who own or have owned dells dislike dell moreso than those who like dell. the reason HP's r always in the shop r 1.they r sold in every store so there's a million of them out there, and 2. no one will work on dell hardly because they r proprietary and have drivers that mainly their own technicians can work on. if u think dell hung the moon fine, but as stated by other members above their customer service is horrible, and expect 3-5 years (on any brand) worth of use anything above that is bonus. another good idea would be to get one that is wndows vista compatible so that in early 2007 when vista becomes the norm u can run it and all the new 64-bit programs. im trying to help u guys not argue, so dont take it personal. plus like i said i see things every day that make me dislike certain things plus ive owned two dells so its not like ive always been against them. take it as u will but thats advice from a pro. :seeya:

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I have a dell desktop and I guess its okay. I got the medea edition and watching tv on it was great, and I use to always set the recorder to record all my shows, which I never had any problems. Then one day when the computer was a year old, it crashed. I had to re-install everything (took all day) and once everything was back up, I wasn't able to get the meda to work anymore and every since I have not been able to watch tv at all on it, I keep getting all kinds of errors that the drives are not installed and other stuff that I can not remember right now.


I also had a problem where the motherboard went and had to get a new of of them because I wasn't able to get one from anywhere else (dell makes them this way to keep you coming back to them).


I also had very bad experience with their customer support. Now my computer is only 2 1/2 years old and the flat panel monitor just died on my sunday, so now I have to go out and buy a new monitor. It makes me sick that my 10yr old HP monitor still works like new and the dell flat panel is dead.


I'm not sure what I'll do when it is time for a new computer, i'm not really all that impressed with any of the makers right now.


Oh, and I also work in the computer field too. :uhoh:

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Thanks guys for all your help. After hearing everything I might stay away from dell. Really I'm not sure at this point. I have a home built computer at home and it's awesome. I'm not really looking for anything to compete with it. I just want something mobile. I might just get something basic, that way when I break it (and I'm sure I will) I won't be upset. I have a bad history with laptops. I think the longest one I've ever had that works actually still works but it's ancient. It's an HP but I haven't seen anything lately from HP that knocks my socks off. A buddy of mine that works in the computer field said to check out an Acer. It's not anywhere near the top of the line but it is a good laptop especially for the price. I did some checking and honestly they don't seem bad. You can get a centrino dual core and 2GB ram for what a single core 512 cost from any other brand. I guess if you guys have any info on Acers now let me know :banghead: haha

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