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Litter vs. organic waste


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I have been following a local story to me (Easton PA) that I know has popped up around everyone's area at least one time. A lady pulls through a fast food drive through, picks up lunch and parks to eat it in a Walmart parking lot. She sets herself up by positioning her drink in the cup holder and opens her burger to remove the lettuce that she has always done in the past. She flips the small piece of lettuce out her window onto the grass median. City officers approched her car and boxed her in and removed her from her vehicle. Long story short, she was written a summons to appear in court for littering.


She was "convicted" and has to pay $1500 in fines and 200 hours of community service.


So the questions: Is a leaf of lettuce really litter? Were the officers to strict,...nothing better to do? Was she made an example of?




I have my own opinions but want to see yours. Over the past 3 months, dozens of heads of lettuce have mysteriously been discovered in the Walmart parking lot :lol: ...High school punks! :lol:

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Technically the law was in the right as littering is defined as "to make something untidy". My opinion - the woman in the story got totally shafted, both by the cops and by the judge. I would protest the incredulous fine and community service, that's total :icon_bs: given the incident, it's obvious she was not intending to damage or inconvenience the property owners in any way.


Mr. P.

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I have been following a local story to me (Easton PA) that I know has popped up around everyone's area at least one time.  A lady pulls through a fast food drive through, picks up lunch and parks to eat it in a Walmart parking lot.  She sets herself up by positioning her drink in the cup holder and opens her burger to remove the lettuce that she has always done in the past.  She flips the small piece of lettuce out her window onto the grass median.  City officers approched her car and boxed her in and removed her from her vehicle.  Long story short, she was written a summons to appear in court for littering.


She was "convicted" and has to pay $1500 in fines and 200 hours of community service.


So the questions:  Is a leaf of lettuce really litter?  Were the officers to strict,...nothing better to do?  Was she made an example of?




I have my own opinions but want to see yours.  Over the past 3 months, dozens of heads of lettuce have mysteriously been discovered in the Walmart parking lot  :lol:  ...High school punks!  :lol:


Sounds like there is a lot more to the story that we are not hearing or the Courts would not have assessed such a penalty.

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Sounds like there is a lot more to the story that we are not hearing or the Courts would not have assessed such a penalty.



That is what I thought. It is on public record now and the newspapers got ahold of it and found nothing. Oh well, just don't piss off the wrong people I guess. :dunno:

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although i'm guilty of thowing my cigarette butts on the ground, i always throw my lettuce and tomatoe from my burgers back in the bag. for some reason in my mind i think throwing cigs out the window is fine, but i feel guilty if its food or anything else.


do the crime, you do the time.

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Well it does sound like they are trying to make an example out of the lady, but at the same time she was throwing garbage out the window into the parking lot. If I was the person who had to clean up the parking lot all the time, I wouldn't like having to clean up someones discarded food items. Why couldn't she of just put it in the bag or just ask to not have lettuce on the burger when ordered?


I also hate people who throw cigarette butts out the window, I thought this is what the ash tray in your car was for.

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Well it does sound like they are trying to make an example out of the lady, but at the same time she was throwing garbage out the window into the parking lot.  If I was the person who had to clean up the parking lot all the time, I wouldn't like having to clean up someones discarded food items.  Why couldn't she of just put it in the bag or just ask to not have lettuce on the burger when ordered?


I also hate people who throw cigarette butts out the window, I thought this is what the ash tray in your car was for.


:withstupid: It was a harsh penalty but littering is littering whether its lettuce or motor oil.

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They should have shot her...I mean that lettuce would have taken at least 3 or 4 days to decompose. I hope she didn't spit on the sidewalk, and I would hate to see what that judge would do to you for speeding or reckless op. Later



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