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SS vs. SRT10


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I know lots of you are going to think I'm full of it, but this race really did happen, plenty of witnesses and captured on video.


Well, another Race Wars event was held today. I show up and the first race I see is a Lighting matched up with an SRT10. I thought the SRT would spank the Lighting, but the Lighting won by about 4/5 lenths, easily. So I figured what the hell, I just wanted to see how I compared to the SRT. So we line up, the hands drop and were off, pretty even at the start and the next thing I know I'm a half truck in front but he's gaining slowly. By the end of the quarter (keep in mind this is all on video) I beat the SRT by a bumper :confused: This SRT10 was completely stock, automatic, crew cab version with 10k on it. Are those truck over rated or what? The SRT then raced a Harley (SC) and lost by a truck, again this is all captured on video. I know you think the SRT was spinning big time, but he wasn't. I don't think I seen the SRT win a race to be truthful, I later saw the SRT matching up with diesels. SRT won that race.


So what do you guys think was up with the SRT10? Even a bad driver with 500hp is fast, compared to my little SS.


My other races were against a short bed 5.3L (no extended cab) chevy, I smoked him by probably 7 or more lenths, lost to a GMC VHO (2WD) by a truck, won against a stock (CAI only) SS by truck and a half, and got smoked by a Lighting (5 lengths).


Had fun all day, it was a blast (win or loose).

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Yup I showed up late but my little bro was their early and got some footage. You forgot to add you were also on your 22s. Here are 2 of your runs. and both your trucks.


Can you get the race of the Harley and the SRT-10 up Alex wants to see it and I dont have it.


05SS VS 03SS


SS vs SRT-10





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With those mods you should have got wasted , but hey a win is a win that is what makes racing so fun!!  :chevy:


Yup, I agree. I was totally shocked but happy as hell :driving: Im sure I will never beat an SRT but at least I can say I beat an SRT10 once and on video.


Nice pic's bro! I was checking out the vid's we took, we missed Alex :sigh:

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It worked!  :thumbs:  But i really cant tell who wins But man those trucks sound good! And sweet SS "Best in Black!"  :cheers:

The SS definately wins. My little bro didn't zoom in so you will have to take our word for it.


The SRT-10 owner told us he shouldn't even be out there. He only had 10k miles and it wasn't broke in yet. :icon_bs:

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