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Pasadena SS

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Once again in three international play team USA basketball will be playing for the BRONZE metal on friday after losing to Greece by the score of 101 to 95. I watch the game in disgust as the Greece drove the lane for easy layup after layups. Team USA shot bricks after bricks from the 3 point line.


Besides American Football I don't think we can beat anyone in major sports anymore. Our All-Star Baseball team in international play stunk up the field. We suck at Soccer, We haven't won The World Cup of Golf since 2000 and even in Tennis I'm used to seeing US champion but those days are long gone.:banghead:

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What was the deal with free throws. The US sucked from the line. Why can't a team that makes a billion $$$ can't make free throws. It's a free shot at the basket :banghead: The days of Jordan, Magic and Larry B are gone. The NBA is just boring anymore.

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Same problem that has plagued the NBA for some time now and just continues to get worse. They can't play TEAM basketball to save their lives. All these guys care about is getting in the top 10 on ESPN each night, getting that signature shoe deal, holding out for $20million when they already have a contract for $19million.


The NBA hasn't been the same since the time of the showtime lakers, the chicago dynasty, the badboys of detroit, or the celtics w/ larry bird and probably never will be again.


I challenge you to do something. Watch ESPN classic's when they show the Lakers vs. Celtics games... Magic vs. Bird.... count something as fundamental as a bounce pass.... then watch a live NBA game the next night and count the bounce passes.... I promise you you'll be astounded at the difference and thats just one stupid little part of the game, but it makes a difference. Why don't they do it now?? B/C it doesn't make highlight reels. :banghead:



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Also the levle of play of the international teams has gone way up. A lot of times their coach by Americans and yes the got the fundamentals down. Let's face it theirs not a lot of sports where we can just show up and dominate any more.



USA Basketball is playing Argentina for the BRONZE...we might not even win that.

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It isnt the fact this team didnt play team basketball. Thats not what lost this game. I think Lebron, Carmelo, and Wade truly cared about winning the Gold, otherwise they would have pulled a Shaq, Kobe, and Garnett and sat out the Worlds because it would take up too much of their time.


The fact the Greece team shot 63% in the final 3 quarters is indicitive of the fact the NBA doesnt play DEFENSE. The main reason I dont watch the NBA often, and would rather watch the college game.


I think coach K was a good choice. But Id rather watch a team of college all-stars play their asses off. Unfortunately, Team USA cant play defense. Larry Brown couldnt teach them, nor could Coach K. Its a joke when a GREECE national team is beats us.


Like the rest of you said, in some cases all these guys want to do is make the $$$ and ESPN's top 10.


Dylan to answer your question of why they dont do the bounce pass anymore...Its because these kids dont go to college to learn the fundementals of the game anymore. They go straight for the shoe money, and huge NBA contracts. I think it should be a 2 year college limit, not this 1 year BS David Stern puts in there.

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It isnt the fact this team didnt play team basketball.  Thats not what lost this game.  I think Lebron, Carmelo, and Wade truly cared about winning the Gold, otherwise they would have pulled a Shaq, Kobe, and Garnett and sat out the Worlds because it would take up too much of their time. 


The fact the Greece team shot 63% in the final 3 quarters is indicitive of the fact the NBA doesnt play DEFENSE.  The main reason I dont watch the NBA often, and would rather watch the college game.


I think coach K was a good choice.  But Id rather watch a team of college all-stars play their asses off.  Unfortunately, Team USA cant play defense.  Larry Brown couldnt teach them, nor could Coach K.  Its a joke when a GREECE national team is beats us.


Like the rest of you said, in some cases all these guys want to do is make the $$$ and ESPN's top 10.


Dylan to answer your question of why they dont do the bounce pass anymore...Its because these kids dont go to college to learn the fundementals of the game anymore.  They go straight for the shoe money, and huge NBA contracts.  I think it should be a 2 year college limit, not this 1 year BS David Stern puts in there.



Kobe didn't play because he had to under go knee surgery. Not because he didn't want to play. Their is still a roster spot open for him. I'm sure Carmelo, Wade and Lebron wanted to win the GOLD. Just like they wanted to win the GOLD in Athens 2004 Olympics.

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Like the rest of you said, in some cases all these guys want to do is make the $$$ and ESPN's top 10.


Dylan to answer your question of why they dont do the bounce pass anymore...Its because these kids dont go to college to learn the fundementals of the game anymore.  They go straight for the shoe money, and huge NBA contracts.  I think it should be a 2 year college limit, not this 1 year BS David Stern puts in there.


100% agreed. Nobody does the 4 year college stretch anymore to LEARN THE GAME... all they do now is go as soon as someone will offer them a contract. I can't fault them b/c they're just doing what they think is best, but I always think of the opening of the Basketball movie when I watch the NBA anymore... the whole thing making fun of how pro teams are now a days.


I just stick to college ball now... much more entertaining to watch IMHO.

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Mike Wilbon had it right in his article the other day.


U.S. needs a reality check


The game has changed. Much of it has been given over at the grassroots level to the forces of AAU, hip-hop and video game nonsense, where the emphasis has switched from learning how to play fundamentally to embarrassing the opponent in any way imaginable and posing while doing so. Combine this new attitude with the traditional arrogance from people nearing age 60 who grew up without ever seeing the United States challenged other than in '72, and we've got just about every basketball demographic covered in hubris.
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