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Joe Rogan on Carlos Mecia

Pasadena SS

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Apparently Joe Rogan and Carlos Mencia have a little feud going on. This is part of a message posted by Joe Rogan on his website.








The latest, and most disgusting joke thief off all is a guy named "Carlos Mencia." The REALLY crazy thing, is that's not even his real name.

He sells himself as being mexican, but the reality is his real name is Ned Holness, and he's actually half German and half Honduran.

The mexican hook is something he did to ingratiate himself with the local Mexican population of LA where he started.

Now, normally I wouldn't dedicate so much time to talk about a piece of shit like "ned" on my website, but this stupid mother****er talked shit about me on the radio, so it's open season for hacks.


Here's what happened, and how I reported it on my messageboard, where it all started:



I got a funny email today from one of the guys on the Frank show in Tucson saying that Carlos (aka Ned Holness -or however the **** you spell it- his real name, aka the phony mexican or carlos menstealia- what other comics call him) was talking shit about me on the radio.

He sent me an audio file, and since I'm bored in a ****ing hotel room in DC, I listened to it.


I thought I would share it with you guys because you're the cause of it with the barrage of hate you sent to his website


He talks about how you guys were saying he sounds a lot like me, and how I said "the force was weak with him" which I did, and that was being NICE. What I should have said is that he's a ****ing weak minded delusional joke thief. What's really interesting, is that I said what I said about him HERE. Since this is a private forum that the public can't read unless they sign up, that means he signed up, and he's a member here.

Did he respond here?

No. Of course not.

He sits back like a little lurker sponge sucking up ideas for new "jokes" and listening to people talk shit about him, but not having the ****ing balls to stand up for himself.


What's really funny, is that he refers to himself in this audio clip as "The punisher." saying that's his nickname.


Listen up, you fat delusional hack, you can't give YOURSELF a ****ing nick name, you no friends having douche bag.

I'm THE TERMINATOR!!! There, I have a nick name now!! The only thing you punish is the attention span of anyone in your ****ing audience with an IQ above 60.


What's really hysterical, is that he talks about a fictional occurrence at the comedy store I nervously watched him in the back of the room, and where me and a bunch of comics supposedly sat around and talked about him for an hour, and then finally in this fantasy scenario, I admitted that he's really good.


I'm gonna be real clear, stupid; that NEVER ****ing happened. the only time any comic, including me watches you, is to see if your stealing material.

Which you DO. ALL THE ****ING TIME.


See, that's why people SAY you steal. Because it's a ****ing fact.


No one is running around saying Chris Rock is a thief, or Dave Chappelle is a thief, or even me for that matter. But HUNDREDS of ****ing comics recognize you as a thief. What... they're all jealous? They're jealous of you and not Chris ****ing Rock? Oh yeah, I forgot... he's not "The Punisher!!"


I've seen you steal over and over again. I've seen you Steal from Paul Mooney, I've seen you steal from Dave Chappelle, I've seen you steal from old Richard Pryor albums, I've seen you steal from Jeff ****ing Foxworthy.


Your mind is weak. Keep talking shit, fat boy. I'll keep exposing you.

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hahaha dude that is awesome! Joe rogan is the ****in MAN. Plus, if 'Carlos' ever wants to confront Joe about that, he would be makin a big mistake... Joe is a brown belt in jiu-jitsu, and trains with a lot of the UFC guys and trainers. Not only is he the host of Fear factor.. and a comic.. but also a great fighter.

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Thats to funny :D I have seen Carlos in person and thought he was pretty funny, but never paid attention to where he got his "material" from.

I have not got the chance to see Joe in person yet but he is dam funny, you forgot to mention he is a huge car fanatic, he has a bad ass Cuda built by Troy at rad rides.

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Thats to funny :D  I have seen Carlos in person and thought he was pretty funny, but never paid attention to where he got his "material" from.

I have not got the chance to see Joe in person yet but he is dam funny, you forgot to mention he is a huge car fanatic, he has a bad ass Cuda built by Troy at rad rides.


All hell yeah!! That Cuda is one of a kind.

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