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I must be imagining things then? Cuz I could've sworn we spent the better part of the last 3 months pulling all manner of line thru their locations at 3333 Empire in Burbank and 2450 Broadway in Santa Monica. Everything in those buildings was a subcontracted ordeal... not much involvement from any of Yahoos engineers, but then again these weren't data centers, these were the business offices.


When I was a contractor for SBC, we were setting up the switches and engineering the backbones for Yahoo/SBC's GigaMAN network, that tied into Qwest, MCI and Verizon backbones. We essentially created the entire backbone and redundant data paths from all major backbones to all of Yahoo's mail servers which 70% of them are hosted at the SBC data center off of Kelvin in Irvine.


What it sounds like you guys are doing, is running fibre from one building to the next, not working with any type of backbone and data center telecommunications, which is little stuff. I am sure they would contract smaller companies to do that type of work... so that makes sense. Do you guys physically run the fibre from building to building? Than you guys own trenching machinery to dig and run lines underground? Most buildings already have fibre connected to their NIU's that the telco companies just switch on, and crossconnect it to the suite(s) inside the building. What type of cable runs are you doing?

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When I was a contractor for SBC, we were setting up the switches and engineering the backbones for Yahoo/SBC's GigaMAN network, that tied into Qwest, MCI and Verizon backbones.  We essentially created the entire backbone and redundant data paths from all major backbones to all of Yahoo's mail servers which 70% of them are hosted at the SBC data center off of Kelvin in Irvine. 


What it sounds like you guys are doing, is running fibre from one building to the next, not working with any type of backbone and data center telecommunications, which is little stuff.  I am sure they would contract smaller companies to do that type of work...  so that makes sense.  Do you guys physically run the fibre from building to building?  Than you guys own trenching machinery to dig and run lines underground? Most buildings already have fibre connected to their NIU's that the telco companies just switch on, and crossconnect it to the suite(s) inside the building.  What type of cable runs are you doing?


Another company was contracted for the paths between the buildings. We were exclusively hired for data, voice, video, and audio distribution within each building. We did some ungodly amount of data/voice drops and about 500 large PDP displays with HD distribution and a dozen or so "war rooms" (confernece rooms) per building. Each WR was setup with complete automation, redundent satellite internet feeds, backup VoIP systems, video conferenceing, lecturn mounted touchpanel control, projection systems, multichannel audio, secure wireless access points, etc.... basically self contained media/conference rooms that would be fully operational if there were some kind of catastrophic failure elsewhere in the building. We also setup their THX screening rooms (Only God knows why Yahoo needs THX Certified theater rooms?) and what they called "living rooms" for the emplyees. Those were basically lounges with kickass audio and TV's for the emplyees to hang out it... I think they hired a full time barrista to make coffee in each of these rooms too... it was pretty nuts.


Sounds like you guys were more on the backbone system between the buildings and DC's while we were working with the finish work and end user solutions for the business offices. We worked pretty closely with Teledata and Sebola (sp?) systems who I think pretty much work on all the Yahoo projects since they're based up north.


You do any work with them anymore?

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Damn man, thats pretty sick. Yahoo has the cash to go all out, thats for sure. I know that when we did work for them, I was compensated for everything... gas, meals, you name it. Those guys dont mess around.


I havent done any work for them lately, as I went from working for a contracting company to working for an IT consulting firm, so I now engineer/implement network and telecommunications projects for small and medium size buisnesses in the Orange County (and some San Diego) clients. Although I do still get emails all the time about ongoing contracts for SBC/Yahoo projects (there are tons of them going on right now). But for right now, I am on disability until January of '07 until I finish my chemotherapy. I do side work inbetween treatments, and I have also been known to do some projector (home/office) and home theatre installs on the side for extra cash. I am not a certified home theatre expert, but I do it because I enjoy the work and the extra cash.


Sounds like your company is picking up some good contracts! Sounds like your business will be expanding by a lot in the near future.. !

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No joke... I'm continually amazed at how deep Yahoos pockets are... and they're just expanding so fast... amazing all that revenue from nothing more than advertising space on the web (the bulk of it anyways)


They're breaking ground on a new project in Santa Monica soon... not sure what its going to be, but we got the floorplans a couple of weeks ago and its HUGE. I'll send you some pics of those conference rooms when I have a chance... techno-geek porn IMO. :jester:


I'll stop before we derail this thread any further than it is....


So...yeah... how bout that Blu Ray vs. DVD? :P

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No joke... I'm continually amazed at how deep Yahoos pockets are... and they're just expanding so fast... amazing all that revenue from nothing more than advertising space on the web (the bulk of it anyways)


They're breaking ground on a new project in Santa Monica soon... not sure what its going to be, but we got the floorplans a couple of weeks ago and its HUGE. I'll send you some pics of those conference rooms when I have a chance... techno-geek porn IMO. :jester:



Strange that they're expanding so much down there with their headquarters (not to mention quite a few big offices) up here in Sunnyvale. They're definitely king of web advertising, which is why my group here at eBay struck the deal with them to become our advertising partner, serving all of our ads on site starting... well, tomorrow.

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Yeah, its amazing how much Yahoo profits from advertising. When I was the Sr IT Admin for a Vitamin supplement/protein/skin care company thats primary business model was internet sales/advertising I saw how much profit was made by advertising on Yahoo... and how much they paid them to advertise with them. I would have expected Google to do better advertising wise, but Yahoo is much more dominant. I believe it is because of their Internet partnership with Verizon and others, because they generate MUCH more web/sales traffic than any other company.


Damn, that had nothing to do with Blu-Ray OR HD-DVD.... :D




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  • 1 year later...

Not to start the cabling argument again, but if you are of the "cheap cables are just as good" line of thinking, these guys sell HDMI cables cheap, and they do work just fine.



On the HD vs Blu-Ray war, I think it may be going in favor of HD DVD. Blu-Ray is better technology, but HD-DVD is cheaper, and for better or worse, it seems that price will probably decide the issue. The prices of the HD-DVD players have been dropping rather quickly of late, enough to tempt me to buy one, and take the chance it might become obsolete. Blu-Ray needs to respond soon with some cheaper players if they want to keep in the game. I am also rather anti Sony. I have had bad luck with some of their products, and have been appalled by their root kit spyware fiasco. Sony is no longer on my preferred vendor list :)

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Just a thought but i heard a major deciding factor as to which will win out is which sides with the porn industry. Because DVD sales are huge for porn, whatever player signs to distribute porn would be expected to win the battle. I also heard that because blue ray has a contract with Disney they more then likely will not agree to distribute porn because Disney will have nothing to do with them. But as of now there is no way to tell for sure as both HDDVD and Blue ray both have multi year contracts with different studios. I have the PS3 and i think it looks as good or better then any HDDVD player i have seen. But if you are worried about getting certain movies on certain players just buy both systems seeing how as mentioned before HDVD players are now cheaper then ever.

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