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NA VHO VS HD F-150 Superchargered 12lbs


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OK well my best friend owns a harley truck which is running 12 lbs of boost and well I have vhoe with two bolt ons and daiblo tuner! It has been a constant battle between us two so we went to settle it last night! Theres bridge here in this one horse town of beaufort SC that a good 1/4 mile! So we turn around on the other side of ther bridge so we are faceing towards town and prepare to race we r going from a 30 roll and theres just one lone expodition we let him get way down before we begin and then bam we hit it we are side by side and ten he pulls at least on truck length ahead and we end up passing the lone truck we gi back to town and head in towards base but that lone expodition is follwing my budy he calls me on my cell and tells me to get in front of him so a do and proceed to follow the speed limit before I know it this guy is on my ass so a freak and try to lose him keep in mind I dont lnow who the F!!!! this guy is so I say lets see what ur heavy ass expodition can do so I take him on a windy road and boom hes gone and DONE! I THINK!!! But I make the mistake of staying on the main road and he sees me and bust a u turn gets on my ass again this time with his hazzards on, then it dawns on me how could I be so stupid!! Hes and off duty cop!! or yet undercover so I stop and sit their nothin happens so I get out and he gets out screaming "get in ur vehicle" so I do. Still really not sure of who he is a get out again the geinus Im am am I ask who r u and he says Im a cop! :yellow_loser: I feel really retarded now and I just sit there my budy eventually comes! The on duty cops say they cant do anything to us but the guy that followed us so the off duty cop is saying r trucks can be taken to inpound for 90 day while we sit in jail! I freakin at this point but he later says if we come see him next monday he wont get the warrants for arrest and we will never hear of it again!



So u know already know where Im going to be Monday morning at the police station with the police cheif and the offcier of the LAW! I got lucky this is three times now and I think hearing the thought of the truck getting inpounded will make me never want to do somthing like that again! So thats my story let me know what u guys think! :ughdance:

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i would have not let him get on my ass at all i would have just kept going until he was no where to be found. but at least it sounds like youll get off ok but sounds kind of fishy its like your turning yourself in. i dont think he can do anything if he was offduty. just try to catch you again. and if your not breaking the law he cant do much.

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Hmmmmmm. :lol: That guy was not stupid in the least; he knew exactly what was about to happen when you let him by on the bridge and he probably slowed to force a confrontation on the bridge.


Perspective from a career speeder - you're on thin ice. You have got yourself into a situation where you have no leverage, you are now completely at the mercy of local law enforcement. And you were told a half-truth when the officer said 'let's have a chat Monday and we'll put this behind us' - you're gonna have a chat alright, but there's no way you're getting out of this one with just an ass chewing.


The one thing I have come to understand is that cops are people too. Meaning they have prejudices (we all do) and memories. When you are pulled over rule #2 is that you do not want to say or do anything that will stick in the officer's mind to remember later when your court date comes around, or when he pulls you over again months later, or sees you in the grocery store; you want to be Mr. Anonymous John Q Public and fade into the woodwork.


Another side of "cops are people too" is that they take any chance they can to socialize with their brothers (it's a close fraternity) and I'll give you ONE guess who they are now going to he BS-ing about over lunch this week... :nonod: You and your buddy (or at least his HD Ford) have just made yourselves gossip material around the squad lunch table. :nono: And there's no way to become un-famous, only infamous - so expect more attention from the authorities.


I made a similar mistake in judgement when I was first driving (er, speeding!). After it became obvious I was going to be a gross offender the Escalon CA city cops managed to learn my regular daily routine of driving through town on my way to work in Modesto - a patrolman would tail me from one city limit sign through town to the other waiting for me to either stop or make an infraction. The one time I pulled in for gas the officer blocked me in and demanded ID and proof of insurance, radio'd it in and called for a warrant check, then left (hazing). This cat and mouse continued until I moved (almost 18-months). This is the kind of shit you are going to be dealing with soon, if not already.


My advice - Officer Expedition could have had you arrested on the spot no problem; he *chose* to let you drive home, I would be thankful. On Monday go in and do whatever you can to repair your reputation and convince them you would not knowingly evade an officer. They already know you are a gross offender (3 times) and actually they will tolerate that to a point but if they believe that you are capable of running you're doomed. Do not try to act like you are perfect or a overly-apologetic sap but instead communicate that whatever mistakes you make in life you actually do own up and pay for. Make sure your tickets are paid. Cops generally have a prejudice towards liking responsible people, and even if it is apparent you are not law abiding at least you can be a responsible guy, and that will carry you a long way.


And you apologize for making him run your ass down, you assure him that because you did not see emergency lights it did not even dawn on you that it was possible he could have been an off-duty officer (you assumed the worst instead), and that you would never knowingly evade any cop and in fact when you realized who he was you immediately yielded. You are not trying to challenge anyone's authority.


Well I've ranted a lot, point is: pay for your mistakes, and take your lumps. Best you can hope for is to convice them you do not run from the law and live with whatever surveilance comes your way. Hopefully they will just assume that since you are temporary/military you will be soon forgotten.


Mr. P.

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Thats what I was plannig on doing Mr. P. like u said try to rebuild my reputation! :cheers: I dont drive to aften where he patrols he was way out of his jursidiction but still he is a cop! The good thing is his station is on a diffrent island and theres not to much there beside the beach and house so I wont ever really need to ever go over there again! After we see him I mean! I would have contunied to just lose him because he was no where in sight, but I figured he already had my License plate number! and half of the beaufort police looking for me!

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The on duty cops say they cant do anything to us but the guy that followed us so the off duty cop is saying r trucks can be taken to inpound for 90 day while we sit in jail! I freakin at this point but he later says if we come see him next monday he wont get the warrants for arrest and we will never hear of it again!



So u know already know where Im going to be Monday morning at the police station with the police cheif and the offcier of the LAW! I got lucky this is three times now and I think hearing the thought of the truck getting inpounded will make me never want to do somthing like that again! So thats my story let me know what u guys think!  :ughdance:


when you go, DON'T drive your truck...sounds like the cop is playing bully boy with you. if he was going to do anything he should of done it then, and not next week.

just in case, if they lock you up, leave the truck at home so it can not be inpounded :D

here, when we get a inpounded from the CHP it's good for up to 30 days, at $30.00 per day storage plus tow fees. avg. cost is around $1,300 to get it back.


good luck



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The on duty cops say they cant do anything to us but the guy that followed us so the off duty cop is saying r trucks can be taken to inpound for 90 day while we sit in jail! I freakin at this point but he later says if we come see him next monday he wont get the warrants for arrest and we will never hear of it again!



So u know already know where Im going to be Monday morning at the police station with the police cheif and the offcier of the LAW! I got lucky this is three times now and I think hearing the thought of the truck getting inpounded will make me never want to do somthing like that again! So thats my story let me know what u guys think!  :ughdance:


when you go, DON'T drive your truck...sounds like the cop is playing bully boy with you. if he was going to do anything he should of done it then, and not next week.

just in case, if they lock you up, leave the truck at home so it can not be inpounded :D

here, when we get a inpounded from the CHP it's good for up to 30 days, at $30.00 per day storage plus tow fees. avg. cost is around $1,300 to get it back.


good luck







The truck is going no where near I think if they do try to take it I will go crazy! :troll: I also think ur right i really think hes tryin to scare us and trust me he has gotten my attention! Im done with racin on the street I may go where they meet but Im not racin!

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Im still wondering why in the world you would pull over for an unmarked vehicle w/o any kind of emergency lights.... just hazzard lights :wtf:


The on duty cops say they cant do anything to us........


Exactly. I don't see why you would worry after that.



.....the off duty cop is saying r trucks can be taken to inpound for 90 day while we sit in jail! I freakin at this point but he later says if we come see him next monday he wont get the warrants for arrest and we will never hear of it again!


Warrents for arrest a week later from an off duty cop???? :wtf:


Sounds to me like the guy just got himself off by scarin the shit out of you. I don't think he can do a thing.

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Man ... hes just trying to mess with you. Trust me.... unless he gave you a LEGAL letter/citation/warrant whatever indicating you had to be somewhere at a specific place/time.. then you have nothing to worry about. Dont show up ... he cant do anything. He was off duty, didnt catch you with radar, your not on video, and you didnt sign anything admitting guilt. He wants to talk trash to you to scare you, and he needs to justify his low wages by showing he has more authority because he has an income lower than a McDonalds manager. Dont give in to the intimidation.... he cant do anything. But watch your ass next time :devil:



Lemme also add that my brother got in trouble by an off-duty cop (3 months ago), he was doing figure 8's in his Camaro Z28, and an off duty caught him. Problem is, he called his on-duty buddies and they messed with him and handcuffed him, but in the end... NOTHING happened.... they made plenty of threats, and they didnt do crap. Not to mention they found some weed in his car.... and they still didnt do shit. They wanted him to come in the next week and talk to them about turning in some 'drug dealers' LOL and they wouldnt file charges..... he didnt show up, and nothing has happend. They just like to F with u..

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