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haha sorry man, but there is this guy with a rumble bee in town thats been talking shit ill inform yall how that goes down even though i know yall already know whats gonna happen there


Your quite right sir, there are alot of HEMI guy's out there that think they are the shit. I had an even sadder dodge package called a "Night Runner" ( Even more limited editions from dodge? WTF ) try to race me the other day. I let him get next to me and even have a head start... but eventually he was a speck in my rear view mirror :cool: I still need to race me an SS silverado... i ran a 14.8 in the hot weather so my times are close to an ss's stock, or with intake and exhaust possibly.... tell me how your race goes!

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Shit if it was a "little B" maybe it would go faster, this bitch is a heavy pig haha.... Well that sucks that those other Bee's were lame, honestly ive beaten every RB that has come across my way too effortlessly ... young kids think that just because they have a retro decal on the bed that their truck is a hotrod.

I DO think my times should be better than a 14.8 though, I see guys everywhere (and even on this website) that claim better HEMI times than me and I have more or equal mods :confused: ? Some guys even have less than me and are claiming 14.5 to 14.4 !?!?!

I would really like to run a Silvy ss (because they are pretty badass) , the next best thing to an SS that I HAVE run was my buddies Modded "Hemi Slayer".... He has an 03 silverado 1500 ext cab (like the ss) with a 5.3 (comp cam, stall converter, plugs, wires, intake, exhaust, ported and polished heads and TB, traction bars, and a Nelson tune.... and a huge ass HEMI SLAYER sticker on the back). BTW he was 100% sure he would roast me.


From a dead stop, I beat him EVERY time due to his stall converter, pretty badly too, at least 2-3 lengths by 90.


From a roll of 30, we stayed door to door all the way to about 90 but i beat him out eventually in the top end ( this was due to the fact that we were on a curvy road and my dodge has badazz suspension, and his big boat of a truck couldnt handle the turns)


- at this point he is pissed and pulling his hair out, and offers me half a tank of gas to go out to a LONG straight country road outside of town and run them to the limiter


From a roll of 20, we both stay DOOR to FREAKING DOOR until about 110 or so and he begins to slowly inch on me :mad: by about 130 he was just about 1/2 a length on me and neither one of us was gaining.... CHEVY WON THAT ONE :cool:


needless to say, i got my gas and some respect from a diehard GM guy, he even told me that I was easily the fastest HEMI he had ever ran, which is several thanks to his HEMI SLAYER sticker (but he races alot of qc's)...


SO my question is, any SS's in the brazos valley/ houston area that are down for a :driving: and than :cheers: ?



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