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Killed a WRX STI...


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Cruising home with the wife from the familes house last night around 9pm or so. I am on the 5 freeway around the Tustin area and a newer WRX STI pulls up next to me. I blew past him for a second, and slowed down.. he got next to again (were at 80mph), and he gunned it. I did the same. By about 120mph he was about 6-10 feet behind my back bumper and I was ssllloowwwllly pulling, but I decided I was going wayyy to fast so I let off (for some reason i noticed only 2.5* of KR.. usually its higher). So we both slow down, and he rolls down his window a little and gives me a thumbs up.


This is where the story gets shitty. 2 minutes later BAM... blue and red lights. Highway Patrol. He gets next to me and says 'pull over at the next exit'. he slowed down to the WRX (he was like 1/4 mile behind me at that point, thinking i am only getting busted I think) and he tells him the same I am assuming. We exit the freeway, and pulls us both over. Dude comes out and says "I am pulling you over for speeding, and racing". I didnt say shit, gave him the registration, DL, and insurance and he gets the info from the other guy.


At this point I am thinking the truck is getting impounded and I am going to jail.


While we are waiting the guy in the WRX tells me that I have a sick truck and that its fast as hell. He had a good attitude, and seemed like a nice guy. Didnt seemed to be bothered by the fact that we might be on our way to jail... lol.


So the officer comes back and says "Sign here, its for driving 90mph in a 65. I am not going to cite you for racing, becuase thats a misdemeanor and you would go to jail possibly and loose your truck and/or license". He did the same for the other guy. I thanked him, and I was very happy. I told him to have a nice night, and he shook his head and walked away. LOL. I got LUCKY.


Moral of story: I am done street racing. This was my first ticket in 4 years... and in 9 years of driving (and racing in various cars) first time getting pulled over for racing.. and first time getting pulled over on the freeway.

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nice kill anyway. i had an incident happen to me about a month and half ago and it pretty much told me to stop street racing but im not going to tell the story because its not pretty. anyway your a lucky man!!

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Now I know why you said you will only be running it hard at the track in a post a few days ago :) I was wondering what the deal was... I figured you either got busted or you wanted to save your trannies life for a little. Either way, this was a wake up call for me. No more racing people unless its at the track on my CR250, or my shifter kart when I get one soon, and when I build up this truck and just take it to the drags....


And also Swarzenegger signed this new law the other day:



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At this point I am thinking the truck is getting impounded and I am going to jail. 



it's called AGENCY HOLD. min. 30 days inpound, and when the time is up YOU have to go to the CHP to get your paper work sighned off before it is released from impound...

they can hold it longer if they want. so you do 90 days in jail, truck impounded for 90 days by the time you get out it will cost you about $ 2,800 in storage fees, plus the towing fees ( we charge $175.00 per hr for towing ) lien sale fees LAWERS :banghead:

and it gets expencive real quick.

BTW...in the 90 days the bank CAN repo. it for non payment too.. :lol:


i think you are making the right choice :thumbs:


good luck



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At this point I am thinking the truck is getting impounded and I am going to jail. 



it's called AGENCY HOLD. min. 30 days inpound, and when the time is up YOU have to go to the CHP to get your paper work sighned off before it is released from impound...

they can hold it longer if they want. so you do 90 days in jail, truck impounded for 90 days by the time you get out it will cost you about $ 2,800 in storage fees, plus the towing fees ( we charge $175.00 per hr for towing ) lien sale fees LAWERS :banghead:

and it gets expencive real quick.

BTW...in the 90 days the bank CAN repo. it for non payment too.. :lol:


i think you are making the right choice :thumbs:


good luck




Do you work for the CHP? I was thinking the CHP would be no holds barred when it comes to racing on the freeways. I thought for SURE it was over at that point... I am just happy the officer didnt want to show me his 'Authoratah!' (south park :) )


What would you have done in this situation? (assuming you do work for the CHP)

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At this point I am thinking the truck is getting impounded and I am going to jail. 



it's called AGENCY HOLD. min. 30 days inpound, and when the time is up YOU have to go to the CHP to get your paper work sighned off before it is released from impound...

they can hold it longer if they want. so you do 90 days in jail, truck impounded for 90 days by the time you get out it will cost you about $ 2,800 in storage fees, plus the towing fees ( we charge $175.00 per hr for towing ) lien sale fees LAWERS :banghead:

and it gets expencive real quick.

BTW...in the 90 days the bank CAN repo. it for non payment too.. :lol:


i think you are making the right choice :thumbs:


good luck



Wow 90 days in jail......I might think twice next time about racing. :banghead::banghead:

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At this point I am thinking the truck is getting impounded and I am going to jail. 



it's called AGENCY HOLD. min. 30 days inpound, and when the time is up YOU have to go to the CHP to get your paper work sighned off before it is released from impound...

they can hold it longer if they want. so you do 90 days in jail, truck impounded for 90 days by the time you get out it will cost you about $ 2,800 in storage fees, plus the towing fees ( we charge $175.00 per hr for towing ) lien sale fees LAWERS :banghead:

and it gets expencive real quick.

BTW...in the 90 days the bank CAN repo. it for non payment too.. :lol:


i think you are making the right choice :thumbs:


good luck




Do you work for the CHP? I was thinking the CHP would be no holds barred when it comes to racing on the freeways. I thought for SURE it was over at that point... I am just happy the officer didnt want to show me his 'Authoratah!' (south park :) )


What would you have done in this situation? (assuming you do work for the CHP)



i do not work for the CHP per say.i work for a tow and recovery co. we have a contract with them for towing and storing what ever they want or outher law inforcement agencys. so you need to know what will or could happen when we get it, becouse the people call us and ask all the questons on what needs to be done

i have seen some of the CHP give a break to someone just becouse of the right attatude you have, you got me i was wrong and they will cut you some slack. but with the wrong attatude your f**ked...BUBBA will have a field day with your A$$ :cry:

i have a lot of respect for them up here, good people doing a VERY tough and dangerous job.



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Good thing you smoked the STI though :thumbs:  I was wondering which was faster. Did he have any mods?


I didnt beat him by much though, but a kill is a kill I guess :cool:


As for his mods, from what I could tell he had a stock exhaust and a loud blow off valve. He also said when we were pulled over that he just got a corrections ticket last month and had to turn his car back to stock, and its bone stock now. Assuming he wasnt lying (no reason to?) those bastards are FAST for stock. If I would have put the money I put into my truck into one of those... it would be a low 11 sec car! One problem: its not a truck and i dont like how they look IMO. But you have to respect the fact they are fast as hell !!

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