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Intimidator SS for only $49...


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I was making a quick run through the local Wal*Mart today when what did I see? A radio controlled Intimidator SS!! I was jumping up and down like a 5 year old. After I regained my composure, I convinced the wife that I should have one. The digital camera is broken, but I'll try to post up a picture soon.


I may have to go back and get another one so I can leave this one sealed in it's box and be able to play with one.



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That truck is cool and everything....  but you have to check out this shit ..  its a boat/plane/car rolled into one!  I gotta get one of these so I can entertain myself for a solid 15 minutes one day !


Hydro Foam Boat

pretty sweet! how much does it cost

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I heard Wal-fart is going to sell the 'Storm launcher' version for $69.99 or somethin.. I might have to get one and drive/fly it around until it blows up into pieces  :devil:

lol ill actually break that in about half a hour. not to many lakes by where i live and i rather just walk outside and do it....can imagine having the really cool feeling of it going up and then the bad feeling of it smashing to pieces on the concrete...im sure its fun as hell. a cheap thrill that wont get you a std!

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