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Happy Halloween!


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Great... I've gone all day without anything bad happening to me this Friday the 13th, then WHAM! MisterP slaps us in the face with this crack-o-latern.


MisterP, you've always been on my "cool" list, but you've slipped down quite a few rungs on the ladder with this one... :puke:





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hey isnt that... wait dont tell me... is that your mom Mr. P :jester:
You never know - last time I saw her was 1986 so :dunno:


:nono: Mom jokes are never a good idea.



Yeah, i didnt think about the what if's... sorry Mr. P..... :happysad:


Thanks for sticking up for me, it's cool, it's just a joke; there's not a lot in my life that is off-limits that way. :thumbs: Actually I was smiling, it was humorous to me in a personal left-handed kind of way. Fact is my mother and I have a ... strained relationship - I have not seen her since I left her at 17, although we have said hello on the phone 6 or 7 times in the last 19 years. So she really could be 300+ lbs, I honestly, truly dunno. ;) People are funny ya know...


Mr. P.

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