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anyone into salt?


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I was here procrastinating with my work, and I decided to clean out my ten gallon and re locate the very few blastos i have left into my other 12 gallon cube. so i was wondering if anyone else is into this hobby? I used to be pretty big into it, but school, the truck and then when i traveled for two weeks killed off a lot of my coral so i got depressed and just left the hardier ones live. but now im thinking about starting it up again and giving one of my tanks to my neice. i think i read a post a long time ago that r8r4lf was into it. So anyone into salt? specifically reef?

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Yeah, I have a 55 gallon saltwater tank. It was setup before but I moved and haven't set it up since. I've had just about everything in there except corrals and live reef because the fish I had would eat it and the fish that help it survive. I had mostly triggers, puffers,bass varieties and sharks. I want to get a 150 gallon or bigger tank.

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Yeah, I have a 55 gallon saltwater tank.  It was setup before but I moved and haven't set it up since.  I've had just about everything in there except corrals and live reef because the fish I had would eat it and the fish that help it survive.  I had mostly triggers, puffers,bass varieties and sharks.  I want to get a 150 gallon or bigger tank.

yeah my friend has a 200 gallon pretty sweet. You can throw practically anything in there as long as you got a proper filtration. At the end of the day i love me those reef's though. calm you down. but a lot of times its like when i do stuff to my truck i can dump 2000 dollars into a tank and people will just be like nice rock....OHHHHH NEMMOOOOO!!!!

similarily to my truck....nice truck oh wow that civics has lights under the car :banghead:

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For saltwater aquariums I would recomend a larger tank. 40 to 50 plus tanks.

Then you havnt been in the Nano world have you! Usually under 10 gallons, then you have the pictos where are like 2 gallons. Nice stuff

My tanks are a nanocube 12 gallon under 24 watts pc/actinic and a 10 gallon under 96w power compact :eek: Its harder keeping nitrates down and perfecting the whole reef enviorment. But its bad ass, especially for some small spaces.


And silvy ill see if i can find some low quality pics of one of my reefs

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lol i planned on having a octopus....get ready.... :D

the best thing i saw was a baby octupus squeeze one of his tentacles through the holes and rip a fish into pieces in about 13 seconds. they are SMART as HELL. I wanted one but you can only have them in the tank, etc etc and the are escape artist's. they are really cool though. You can teach them tricks, to open up bottles for food, and they flash thier colors when they get excited, they go from brown, to neon green, red, purple, black, and white really fast. I guess this hobby and intrests with the ocean is what being a former marine bio major does to a guy


i cant find any old pics on my aquarium so ill jsut post some pics of what i had.

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invertebrates/ clean up crew mostly crabs and then my pretty shrimp. and snails that mill around

anyways this is basically the things i had in my tank, i had a bit more, like larger closed brains, a few acans, a hammer, and a frogspawn. a lot of these guys had thier own personality and it was pretty funny, the fire fish was always jumpy and the crab that had the feather apeendages would like to jump off cliffs. then when he would feed he would like hes fighting the air. and i had a peperrmint that would do the harlem shake

sadly after thr hurricanes its not like that no more :happysad:














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Nemo isnt that expensive, fish arent that bad unless you go into the rare and/or big guys. I think a clown should run you around 12 bucks. the coral is the back breaker. if you not into coral (and the pain in the ass it takes to take care of them) its pretty easy to set up a tank for fish and some crabs etc. the bigger the tank the more fish you can hold...theres some rules like nemo you can have in a ten gallon dori (blue tang) 50+ gallon

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For saltwater aquariums I would recomend a larger tank. 40 to 50 plus tanks.

Then you havnt been in the Nano world have you! Usually under 10 gallons, then you have the pictos where are like 2 gallons. Nice stuff

My tanks are a nanocube 12 gallon under 24 watts pc/actinic and a 10 gallon under 96w power compact :eek: Its harder keeping nitrates down and perfecting the whole reef enviorment. But its bad ass, especially for some small spaces.


And silvy ill see if i can find some low quality pics of one of my reefs


I don't know what Nano world is but I bet they have better equipments then you do. Plus places like Sea world etc. have ponds that are saltwater that doesn't mean everyone should have one just because they do.

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