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Need advise!


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Good god, is this guy foreal?


Is it just me or does it seem like evertime someone gives this guy some advice, he comes up with some other excuse on why he didn't deserve the ticket? This story just keeps getting better and better. Did you happen to forget anything else that you might want to add about that night?


Want some advice?


1. Slow your @$$ down!


2. Take it in the @$$ and pay the fine!


3. Hopefully the judge will take your DL since this is a repeat offense.


4. Hopefully no insurance company will insure your @$$ because of the way you drive!


5. See #1!


6. See #5!


Any questions?


This doesn't sound like a lecture does it?  :yellow_loser:


BTW: It's completely obvious that you are not looking for some advice. Your looking for someone to be on your side here. That would be pretty hard to accomplish seeing how you admitted that you have 2 priors of the same offense.  :dunno:  Hopefully the judge will drop the hammer on you, but I'm sure that isn't going to change your ignorant way of thinking.  :nono:





You seem to be oblivious to anything going on around you. Maybe a wakeup call in court before the judge will help. Do you realize the cop cut you a break? He could have impounded your truck and taken you to jail and changed the ticket to speed contest PLUS reckless driving. But you haven't done anything wrong, right? :yellow_loser:

Was Beefy riding with you too telling you to go faster?

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From the Arizona State Legislature:

8-701.02. Excessive speeds; classification

A. A person shall not:

1. Exceed thirty-five miles per hour approaching a school crossing.

2. Exceed the posted speed limit in a business or residential district by more than twenty miles per hour, or if no speed limit is posted, exceed forty-five miles per hour.

3. Exceed eighty-five miles per hour in other locations.

B. A person who violates subsection A of this section is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor.

C. A person charged with a violation of this section may not be issued a civil complaint for a violation of section 28-701 if the civil complaint alleges a violation arising out of the same circumstances.


28-693. Reckless driving; classification; license; surrender

A. A person who drives a vehicle in reckless disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.

B. A person convicted of reckless driving is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.

C. In addition, the judge may require the surrender to a police officer of any driver license of the convicted person, shall report the conviction to the department and may order the driving privileges of the person to be suspended for a period of not more than ninety days. On receipt of the abstract of conviction and order, the department shall suspend the driving privilege of the person for the period of time ordered by the judge.

D. If a person who is convicted of a violation of this section has been previously convicted of a violation of this section, section 13-1102 or section 13-1103, subsection A, paragraph 1, in the driving of a vehicle, or section 28-708, 28-1381, 28-1382 or 28-1383 within a period of twenty-four months:

1. The person is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor.

2. The person is not eligible for probation, pardon, suspension of sentence or release on any basis until the person has served not less than twenty days in jail.

3. The judge may require the surrender to a police officer of any driver license of the person and shall immediately forward the abstract of conviction to the department.

4. On receipt of the abstract of conviction, the department shall revoke the driving privilege of the person.

E. The dates of the commission of the offense are the determining factor in applying subsection D of this section. A second or subsequent violation for which a conviction occurs as provided in this section does not include a conviction for an offense arising out of the same series of acts.

F. On pronouncement of a jail sentence under this section, and after the court receives confirmation that the person is employed or is a student, the court may provide in the sentence that if the defendant is employed or is a student the defendant can continue employment or schooling for not more than twelve hours per day nor more than five days per week. The defendant shall spend the remaining days or parts of days in jail until the sentence is served and shall be allowed out of jail only long enough to complete the defendant's actual hours of employment or schooling.


And BTW: I realized you were in Phoenix... I am out there on a regular basis for work... I would really hope they take your DL b/c I sure as hell don't want to be in a city on the same roads as you. :banghead:

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In CA the law has recently changed last I heard if you are caught street racing your vehicle will be impounded and crushed.


Correct... it applies to all street racing but they're just enforcing large organized events... if you get caught just running light to light with a random guy then you get reckless driving... its the big spectator packed street racing things they're most worried about

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Well....lol too bad i missed this one today. At the end of the day its his word against yours....and maybe he wont show. it doesnt mean that the actual judge/magistrate will take kindly to your prior record. soooooo.....hope you wear a suit and say nice things. if you can bring two kids and a lot of books and say you were getting out of your night calss to pick up your kids at the sitter while you were working all day at the steel mill. Actually....im sure your gonna be your best "self" in the situation. :D

Man Dub are you a one of a kind

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wut do they put on the citation when its racing?  Street racing? Reckless driving?

:banghead: For the sake of everyone, just drop it, my honest advice to you, no bullshit. Is to see a attorney. thats the best thing you can do, and dress nice and act very polite. etc etc However my opinion...is pretty much in line with everyone else.

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