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actually I give them a check every year.  That is going down next year though, cause It's been 3 years since I got a ticket or gotten pulled over for that matter. 


And I'm not proud of it but i screwed up and i'll admit that

Oh no - didn't mean it that way, I was just awed at the figure you gave, that's insane. Proof again that legal problems quickly become financial problems. And vice versa. If it helps I know that totally robbed feeling, multiply your monthly insurance by 4.5 and that's my CA child support bill for my two kids. :banghead:


yea, that goes back to doing one thing wrong and having the cops watch every move you make. They watched and I lost, but thats a whole different issue.


Yup .... (sorry Pladd) and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts doesn't forget either .... Tickets hang on your insurance for 6 Years of Surchargers!!!!!


BTW .... Pladd, what step are you at now?

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actually I give them a check every year.  That is going down next year though, cause It's been 3 years since I got a ticket or gotten pulled over for that matter. 


And I'm not proud of it but i screwed up and i'll admit that

Oh no - didn't mean it that way, I was just awed at the figure you gave, that's insane. Proof again that legal problems quickly become financial problems. And vice versa. If it helps I know that totally robbed feeling, multiply your monthly insurance by 4.5 and that's my CA child support bill for my two kids. :banghead:


yea, that goes back to doing one thing wrong and having the cops watch every move you make. They watched and I lost, but thats a whole different issue.


Yup .... (sorry Pladd) and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts doesn't forget either .... Tickets hang on your insurance for 6 Years of Surchargers!!!!!


BTW .... Pladd, what step are you at now?


Yea, well I was stupid then. I think 27 but i don't even know. The insurance agent knows.

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Yea, well I was stupid then.  I think 27 but i don't even know.  The insurance agent knows.


When you get your Yearly renewal notice, it is near the bottom ... 15 is normal/starting.... 9 is perfect .... 27 just hurts .... Sorry bro ...

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Ok you wanna know how I feel? I hate paying mny to the government! Like these stupid tickets..It pisses me off because the 1st time I stepped on my truck...my LUCK..the cop was right there! When I saw him I was like S** of A B**** m*d*a f*****! seriously excuse my language! I started this thread because I was clueless on how to go at this!! N u guys did help at first but then you started to come and me like if I did this on purpose!! Imma just go to court and try to minimize my punishment. pay whatever fines and c wut happens!! They are u happy dylan?



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Ok you wanna know how I feel? I hate paying mny to the government! Like these stupid tickets..It pisses me off because the 1st time I stepped on my truck...my LUCK..the cop was right there! When I saw him I was like S** of A B**** m*d*a f*****! seriously excuse my language! I started this thread because I was clueless on how to go at this!! N u guys did help at first but then you started to come and me like if I did this on purpose!! Imma just go to court and try to minimize my punishment. pay whatever fines and c wut happens!! They are u happy dylan?




thats great

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my own fault, i can't blame anyone


Hey ... at least your man enough to own up to it ... Some people (26dub ss) on this site just blame the "System" and how it's injustices cramp their lifestyle .... :D:D


Yeah... its not his (26dub) fault... I mean how dare GM build a truck with 345 hp... how dare the state of Arizona post a speed limit... the audacity of the police to pull him over... and the unthinkable fine... I mean how on earth could a guy be held responsible for this

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Ok you wanna know how I feel? I hate paying mny to the government! Like these stupid tickets..It pisses me off because the 1st time I stepped on my truck...my LUCK..the cop was right there! When I saw him I was like S** of A B**** m*d*a f*****! seriously excuse my language! I started this thread because I was clueless on how to go at this!! N u guys did help at first but then you started to come and me like if I did this on purpose!! Imma just go to court and try to minimize my punishment. pay whatever fines and c wut happens!! There are u happy dylan?

A few months after i got my SSS and just when i put on the corsa i was on my way home after dropping off this girl. Anyways it was a lone stretch of street with a mph limit of 40. It was "empty" so i gunned it just so i could hear the corsa, then right after that i cooled off and coasted. at the end of the road a cop started walking in the middle of the street told me to pull over...told me i was going 50 in a 40. all business type of guy. took my ticket, i went to court, but all i asked was to have no points. so i payed the ticket, i was thankful the cop didnt start hagglign me for having tints etc etc. my advice is to learn your lesson...and when you speed try and make sure no one is there....i.e. no residential zone (BIG NO NO) go around....or the best thing you can do and my recomendation...go to the track. i know street racing has its rush, but you dont only need tips...you need to change your whole attitude on life

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my own fault, i can't blame anyone


Hey ... at least your man enough to own up to it ... Some people (26dub ss) on this site just blame the "System" and how it's injustices cramp their lifestyle .... :D:D


Yeah... its not his (26dub) fault... I mean how dare GM build a truck with 345 hp... how dare the state of Arizona post a speed limit... the audacity of the police to pull him over... and the unthinkable fine... I mean how on earth could a guy be held responsible for this


I know Dylan ... It's hard to fathom ... Maybe he is one of those people who just has "Bad Luck" .... :dunno:

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