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The street was empty man!! calm down! Im not that dumb! :banghead:


Really? The other car and the cop were on another street and you happened to drive by and got pulled over? :wtf:


damn!! did I cause all this drama!!  :troll:


You really don't have a clue :nono:



lol...insurance is the least of my worries@@


Ok you wanna know how I feel? I hate paying mny to the government! Like these stupid tickets..It pisses me off because the 1st time I stepped on my truck...my LUCK..the cop was right there! When I saw him I was like S** of A B**** m*d*a f*****! seriously excuse my language! I started this thread because I was clueless on how to go at this!! N u guys did help at first but then you started to come and me like if I did this on purpose!! Imma just go to court and try to minimize my punishment. pay whatever fines and c wut happens!! There are u happy dylan?


So...we have 2 contradictory statements. Least of your worries? Independently wealthy at 21 or Mom/Dad paying the bill? Don't want to pay money to the government? Stupid tickets? Who was driving when the tickets were issued? Beefy the dog?

Your stupidity got you the stupid tickets and YOU ARE responsible for them.

Doesn't matter how or why you did it...YOU GOT CAUGHT but feel you're getting a RAW deal and you want everyone here to say...DUDE that sucks...SORRY...wrong forum.

You're clueless about a lot more things than just this. You got some tough love from the members here, but you deserved every bit of it.


thats life man! I messed up..but whats done is done!!


And all of your own doing

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my name is robert!! im so pissed right now!! the attorney is trying to charge me $2600.00 down payment to start my defense...screw that!! I'd rather just take my changes going solo!


HEHEHE. this is your friends father. thats great. I thought money didn't matter to you. here's to that lawyer and th judge that locks you up. :cheers::cheers::cheers:

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my name is robert!! im so pissed right now!! the attorney is trying to charge me $2600.00 down payment to start my defense...screw that!! I'd rather just take my changes going solo!


Karma...she really just doesn't like you :jester:


But she might... if ya' got the Beemer :crackup:

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Ok Dick (short for robert right?) well, you need a lot of things....very few are material and most of them are well....hehe...anyways you have to drop it man. the best thing you can do is plea with the judge. show up offer to do as much community work you can do. two benefits to that, you may get off a bit easy...and with all the work you may wisen up

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