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you were speeding or no?  Be a man, and step up if you were.  if you weren't, then you have reason to complain.  I got alot of tickets when i first got my liscense,  all for between 10 and 20 over the speed limit.  I lost my liscense several times and paid for it.  Any cop who pulls my record had me labled.  But I havn't gotton a ticket for 3 years.  I have learned from my mistakes, and I suggest you do the same.  Or you could pay my insurance for me.  How does 5800 a year sound.  Oh, but I did get a discount this year.  Gave me 600 back.  Between the tickets and insurance, I've probably paid for another SS ($40,000).  Just a waste of money for being a dumbass when I was younger.
:eek: :eek: :eek: No way - you seriously pay $480+ PER MONTH for insurance?
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actually I give them a check every year.  That is going down next year though, cause It's been 3 years since I got a ticket or gotten pulled over for that matter. 


And I'm not proud of it but i screwed up and i'll admit that

Oh no - didn't mean it that way, I was just awed at the figure you gave, that's insane. Proof again that legal problems quickly become financial problems. And vice versa. If it helps I know that totally robbed feeling, multiply your monthly insurance by 4.5 and that's my CA child support bill for my two kids. :banghead:

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:banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:


Talking to you is like talking to my 2 yr old nephew dude.  You have no clue.  I hope a guy driving a Ford with gay oversized rims T-bones you on the way to your court date.


Don't hold back man.. tell us how you really feel. :jester:


26dub... its obvious you are very immature and don't deserve what nice things you have. If this isn't a wake up call I don't know what is... some day reality is gonna come along and bitch slap you and when it does I hope it doesn't involve anyone else getting hurt. :shakehead:

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I could of swore there was only like 4pgs of this crap last night and now there are 7 and going strong, I dont even feel like reading any of it but what I'm understanding is 26DUB SS is a complete MORON, case closed?

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actually I give them a check every year.  That is going down next year though, cause It's been 3 years since I got a ticket or gotten pulled over for that matter. 


And I'm not proud of it but i screwed up and i'll admit that

Oh no - didn't mean it that way, I was just awed at the figure you gave, that's insane. Proof again that legal problems quickly become financial problems. And vice versa. If it helps I know that totally robbed feeling, multiply your monthly insurance by 4.5 and that's my CA child support bill for my two kids. :banghead:


yea, that goes back to doing one thing wrong and having the cops watch every move you make. They watched and I lost, but thats a whole different issue.

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Ok you wanna know how I feel? I hate paying mny to the government! Like these stupid tickets..It pisses me off because the 1st time I stepped on my truck...my LUCK..the cop was right there! When I saw him I was like S** of A B**** m*d*a f*****! seriously excuse my language! I started this thread because I was clueless on how to go at this!! N u guys did help at first but then you started to come and me like if I did this on purpose!! Imma just go to court and try to minimize my punishment. pay whatever fines and c wut happens!! There are u happy dylan?

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