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my name is robert!! im so pissed right now!! the attorney is trying to charge me $2600.00 down payment to start my defense...screw that!! I'd rather just take my changes going solo!



Might want to shop for an attorney.

Look these guys up:


Dewey, Screwum & Howe





Disclaimer: NSFW or anywhere for that matter but these guys will get the job done


i just :puke:

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Alright ... the next person to say Shenanigans is getting fired !!!!


... Wasn't it "Pistol Whipped" not Fired??? Still a funny ass moment!!!!


Let me put this in terms you can understand:


Da whip ya be rollin' be on da policy


da ticket dat wuz ritten wuz tagged 2 ya whip by da pig


dat meenz da policy iz gonna go up cuz you fuct up yo.


I nearly Pissed myself right there ....



Well ... I guess I missed a lot after I left yesterday .... Nice Postings everyone

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Unfortunatly  :withstupid:  ... I don't see anything that should get him banned.

He doesn't seem to have his story straight and seems to change it every minute just to agitate other members. Is this really needed?



Maybe jump his warning level up. I can't disagree with what you are saying, and that he caused a lot of his own demise. I just think there is a progression that needs to happen before anyone gets banned. I don't really care ... I just want to keep things civil around here.

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Alright ... the next person to say Shenanigans is getting fired !!!!


... Wasn't it "Pistol Whipped" not Fired??? Still a funny ass moment!!!!




Yeah that's right ... I couldn't remember the exact lines ... I have the flu ... so that is my excuse :D

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Unfortunatly  :withstupid:  ... I don't see anything that should get him banned.

He doesn't seem to have his story straight and seems to change it every minute just to agitate other members. Is this really needed?



Maybe jump his warning level up. I can't disagree with what you are saying, and that he caused a lot of his own demise. I just think there is a progression that needs to happen before anyone gets banned. I don't really care ... I just want to keep things civil around here.

You must have missed some of the other threads that he has started here recently!

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I think I am going to have to agree. You can't cure stupid... He's not said anything vulgar, or displayed any raw material. I see no reason to ban him. As much as I would like to see this tart burn, it's in the courts hands!

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Unfortunatly  :withstupid:  ... I don't see anything that should get him banned.

He doesn't seem to have his story straight and seems to change it every minute just to agitate other members. Is this really needed?



Maybe jump his warning level up. I can't disagree with what you are saying, and that he caused a lot of his own demise. I just think there is a progression that needs to happen before anyone gets banned. I don't really care ... I just want to keep things civil around here.

You must have missed some of the other threads that he has started here recently!


You are right Jon ... I haven't seen any of the other crap he has done. Like I said ... I don't really give a shit one way or another. If he deserves it let him have it :smash:

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You are right Jon ... I haven't seen any of the other crap he has done.  Like I said ... I don't really give a shit one way or another.  If he deserves it let him have it  :smash:


Yeah Big O ... He showed his true colors a couple of times ... KIM did a couple threads about her dog passing away. dub26 SS wrote things like " :repost: " and things like that ... Basically just being a little Punk, nomatter what the topic/thread.


BTW ... Come on Super Troopers ... That's "Our" Swan Song .... :D:thumbs::D:thumbs:

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Well thats just horseshit. I withdraw my comments.



As for the Supertroopers ... I don't know how I could have messed that up ... as a solution I will watch it again tonight :pop::cheers::D Sounds like a good time, tell the wife the flu is kicking my ass and I need some dinner while I settle into the couch and watch supertroopers. I have lost a lot of the one liners from that so it's about time.

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