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A Dedication

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There's a lot of dedications that go out to our troops abroad and they deserve every ounce of it, but I thought perhaps we should thank our local troops (Police officers, EMTs, Firefighters, and National Guard) too. Thanks for all your support and help in defending us here at home from enemies as well as ourselves. :flag:


I found this poem while I was doing some research for my final project to obtain my A.A.S. in Criminal Justice. My research project is on Police officer suicide.


I have been where you fear to go...

I have seen what you fear to see...

I have done what you fear to do...

All these things I've done for you.


I am the one you lean upon...

The one you cast your scorn upon...

The one you bring your troubles to...

All these people I've been for you.


The one you ask to stand apart...

The one you feel should have no heart...

The one you call the man in blue...

But I am human just like you.


And through the years I've come to see...

That I'm not what you ask of me...

So take this badge and take this gun...

Will you take it? Will anyone?


And when you watch a person die...

And hear a battered baby cry...

Then so you think that you can be

All those things you ask of me...?


"Tears Of A Cop" - author unknown

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That's good. :flag:


A friend of mine's dad was in law enforcement most of his adult life. He passed away in 1997 from cancer, but there's one story that sticks in my mind. His son (my friend) was working with him on some survailence. He was taking pictures to help catch a drug dealer. Anyway, one night on their way to the station they got a call for a break in, and caught the guy. He was calling my friend's dad every name in the book. He just calmly put the perp in the car and took him to jail. We asked him later as my friend recanted the story, and we asked him, how can you deal with that? I'd be wanting to beat his ass. He told us that you can't take anything personal. Just do your job, and enforce the law. If you take it personal, you'll be one miserable SOB at the end of every day. I've tried to remember that in my own line of work, as hard as it can be.

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