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Thin motel room walls.


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OK, so go with me on this one:


I've been staying this last week at the Days Inn in OKC, not a 5-star but not a total dive either. Your typical mid-budget hotel. The porcelain is clean and there are no roaches but the walls are thin, you can hear people caughing in the next room.


Well last night I'm done with work at 11:30pm and get to the room, and I can hear "some commotion" from next door (!): some "shuffling", some muffled breathing?, a whimper maybe? a couple tiny thumps of the headboard against the wall - real fast, then *nothing*, real fast again, then *nothing* and it goes on like this for ohhhhh long enough to take my contacts out and brush my teeth. And then silence.


My Gawd. How pa-the-tic. I was apalled. I was standing there in the bathroom looking at the wall saying to myself "??? dude ??? do I need to come over there and show you how to [make love] to that poor woman?" :shakehead::lol:


SO, As a public service announcement: :P when you are staying with your darling in a hotel and you feel that urge to express how amorous you are don't lie to yourself and pretend that you can be quiet enough that we won't hear you, because WE CAN. :lol: Do your manhood, your family name, your beloved, and your truck proud and WAIL on that woman! I mean the kind animalistic, furniture breaking, biting, screaming, bone crushing passion that has her fingernails dug into your flesh trying to hold on for dear life! :thumbs::thumbs: Make me want to offer you a beer to reward your obviously well-developed manliness! :cheers:


Mr. P. :)

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SO, As a public service announcement:  :P when you are staying with your darling in a hotel and you feel that urge to express how amorous you are don't lie to yourself and pretend that you can be quiet enough that we won't hear you, because WE CAN. :lol: Do your manhood, your family name, your beloved, and your truck proud and WAIL on that woman!  I mean the kind animalistic, furniture breaking, biting, screaming, bone crushing passion that has her fingernails dug into your flesh trying to hold on for dear life!  :thumbs:  :thumbs:  Make me want to offer you a beer to reward your obviously well-developed manliness! :cheers:

Mr. P. :)




that sucks for her! :uhoh:

Edited by Posi12Bolt (see edit history)
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Every had an apartment or house with a good (guy) friend that you've known since high school?


Two of my good friends from high school have a house and I'm over there quite a bit so I've heard a lot of loud and rambuncious sex. We tend to like messing with each other especially when it's a one-night-stand type of encounter. My favorite was when we were all completely drunk trying to take blind pictures of the action from one such encounter with the digital camera. :lol:

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LOL one of the houses I lived in when I was in college had really thin walls. Me and my roommate that I shared a wall with used to have contests to see who uhhh be the loudest. He was dating a screamer for a while, I couldn't top him. Finally I won when I stumbled home from a party one night with some random. I believe the exact words were "Not in my butt, ****" of course this was screamed. I starting laughing histaricaly and could hear my buddy and his girl laughing through the wall.... ahhhh I miss college

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I know that wasn't me...


Back when my wife and I were dating, we had an encounter at me and my friend's rental house one night. We had gone out in a limo for the evening for another friend's birthday and came back to the house about midnight (being responsible since I had to get up to leave for a snowmobile trip at 4:30 in the morning). We decided to get it on, thinking nothing of it... My roommate sleeps with his door closed and my two other friends were in the guest beds downstairs... After some activities and about an hour and a half of sleep (I miss those days of 3+ hour sex) we woke up to my cousin (who I didn't even know was coming with us on the trip) banging on my bedroom door yelling at me to get my ass out of bed. I stumbled out and said, "dude WTF???"


He said he was making my life hell since we kept him up all night... apparently he was sleeping on the couch in the living room (we never even saw him when we walked in through the dark) right next to my bedroom since the other spare beds in the house were all full. He said, "Didn't you hear me yelling at you last night? I kept screaming at you to hurry up and make her cum already... I know we're related and the boy can hang, but damn!!!"


Girlfriend turns red, throws on clothes, and runs out the door to drive home.


I stood there with a smirk on my face because I've never been so proud. :ughdance:

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LOL one of the houses I lived in when I was in college had really thin walls.  Me and my roommate that I shared a wall with used to have contests to see who uhhh be the loudest.  He was dating a screamer for a while, I couldn't top him.  Finally I won when I stumbled home from a party one night with some random.  I believe the exact words were "Not in my butt, ****"  of course this was screamed.  I starting laughing histaricaly and could hear my buddy and his girl laughing through the wall.... ahhhh I miss college

:crackup::crackup::crackup: ROFL

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Back in college, their was a couple in the apartment building accross from mine, about 65 feet away, and every night right at 11 they would go at it. THe guys from downstairs and I would sometimes cheer them on or just trow stuff at their window. They where in the second floor and man was she loud.

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