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hdmi question?


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a few months back i bought a 62" sony wega hd t.v. and i have the hd box and everything for it and you can tell a big difference in the picture when shows are in hd but it still does look quite as crisp as the one down at the electronics store. i have been told that i should get the hdmi cable instead of running component cables. the only problem is that the hdmi setup is like $200 :eek: . i am willing to pay that but i just want to now if anyone has used it and does it make that big of a difference.

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I run HDMI, biggest difference it makes is on non HD channels signal (cleans it up nicely). HD does improve nicely though as well.


IMO jew with them on the price (a/v accessories are one of the most profitable pieces [next to bedding/furniture]) typically they have 50%-60% margin or more in them so closer you get to $100 to better.


I take it you are also buying monster cables...if they also sell Acoustic Research get their Pro II series HDMI (PR185,186,or 187 [depends on length])...less expensive then monster, however better constructed and shielded.

Case in point

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Got mine through the cable company free, comes w. their HiDef cable box.


DirectV does the same thing. I figured that out when they came in to install my new dish and I found the HDMI cable I bought for the system hidden in one of my back shelves. Sneaky bastard. So I took my Monster Cable HDMI cable back to Best buy and got $149 back.


I will never go back from HD.



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I was just debating to do an antenna on my roof, and pick up the OTA DTV signal, but the receiver I was looking at is sold out everywhere. I wasn't going to run the HDMI cables, but even without it has to be better than basic cable to watch some sports on.


you are correct it is a lot better and most major cities have all thier networks broadcasting in hd and OTA is FREE and even a small power bar antenna from wal,mart or radio shack located in closet will pick up the hd signal,and stay tuned for 1080p.......WOW!!!

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