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How about these crazy people waiting at Walmart?!


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Witnessed a hell of a sight last night! Went grocery shopping at Walmart after work, and saw camped out front about 30 people zipped-up in sleeping bags and sitting in lawn chairs. There were a couple of Walmart employees working the line, selling hand warmers, hot beverages and food, clothes, etc to the 'captive' audience, those managers were hustling the crowd big-time! I asked a bundled-up woman what was up, which earned me a stunned look as I was informed that this was the waiting line for the arrival of the Sony PS3 (!) and everyone here was going to wait outside Walmart all night until they purchased their game system tomorrow. A college-aged guy next to her asked me "Where you been man - you didn't know about the PS3?" My reply was "No dude, computers scare me" :jester: I told them all that I was impressed with their enthusiasm but just did not see why getting the first Sony PS3 was so important when there's no software available for it yet; why by a new game console when you're going to have to wait weeks for a good game to play on it? Then the real reason emerged, almost everyone there were not gamers, they were eBayers and were going to immediately put them up for auction today... I thought the whole thing was goddamn funny myself.


Mr. P. :)

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It's freakin' crazy. People are going to be going nuts over these things till Christmas. The price on them will be so inflated that it could cause nose bleeds. If you really want one why not wait till after Christmas when there will be plenty at a reasonable price. It's a good marketing strategy, though.

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I saw one on eaby this morning for 7600 with over 50 bids.

Now i just did a search again on ebay i am seeing nuy it now 25,000, 11,000 and 15,000


I like this one 4 hours left and looking at the bid history i think someone goofed on entering 15k for the price. HA HA HA i hope it is binding.


Bid jump

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people are crazy but if I had the time I would buy one to resale. I'm a power seller with lots of feedback so I could get a better price than most. People who want to pay $2K for the system just because it's "the new thing" are just stupid. :yellow_loser:

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Oh, yeah... my buddy was going to go out to Best Buy and wait last night, but my girlfriend called him on Wed. and told him there were people camping out already. There were like 25 people camped out at Best Buy and another 10 people camped out at target... crazy!!! :crazy:

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Oh, yeah... my buddy was going to go out to Best Buy and wait last night, but my girlfriend called him on Wed. and told him there were people camping out already. There were like 25 people camped out at Best Buy and another 10 people camped out at target... crazy!!! :crazy:


Down the road from me in Lexington, KY some people were shot at(by a bb gun) while waiting in line at the local Best Buy. Other report I read said some guy got shot(by a gun) when a couple teens tried to rob a group of people who were waiting in line for the P3. Crazy stuff :banghead:

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The Wife and I went to the Wal-Mart in Bennington VT. .... The Woodchucks there really know how to do it. there was about 15 people in line, and they had the usual sleeping bags and stuff. They also broght along a couple of Generators, two 36" TV's, a PS2 and a Fridge ... They were all "Geeked" out playing their games ... I nearly split my sides laughing though ...


But you have to give them an A for effort, in keeping occupied for the two days they were out there ...

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i love that idea about sellign it on ebay but i heard that ebay will not let you sell a ps3 unless your a powerseller and have a feed back of 98.5% or better. so all those people you saw in line better be powersellers. because me and a couple freinds were going to pitch the money buy one and slell it for 1000 or whatever we could get it for. but when we heard about that we were gladd we didnt get one because we woulda been out like 700. but its just like us if we had the money and chevy came out with their concept silverado and they were rare some of us with the money would wait for one!!!!

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i love that idea about sellign it on ebay but i heard that ebay will not let you sell a ps3 unless your a powerseller and have a feed back of 98.5% or better. so all those people you saw in line better be powersellers. because me and a couple freinds were going to pitch the money buy one and slell it for 1000 or whatever we could get it for. but when we heard about that we were gladd we didnt get one because we woulda been out like 700. but its just like us if we had the money and chevy came out with their concept silverado and they were rare some of us with the money would wait for one!!!!

:icon_bs: sorry but i dont see why that would be , ebay you have rights to sell it even if your not a powerseller. there should be no reason why you wouldnt . if i could have waitied in lin i would have with as many people as i could but once i saw them two days ahead i said forget it. im not that desperate. i think i will actually buy one for euse after christmas but 2k is ridiculous , id love to sell one for that though.

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