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Anyone watch Rockstar Supernova?


I watched every episode and was very curious to how there first album would turn out. I bought it the other day and it is real good. I was first unsure about their choice on Lucas, but his voice actually sounds good on the album.

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Anyone watch Rockstar Supernova?


I watched every episode and was very curious to how there first album would turn out. I bought it the other day and it is real good. I was first unsure about their choice on Lucas, but his voice actually sounds good on the album.



I saw every show too, but haven't kept up with them afterward.... I also watched every pathetic episode of SuperGroup, the one with Sebastian Bach, Evan Seinfeld, Ted Nugent and Scott Ian. Went through the entire process only to miss their final performance as a complete band! Did anyone see it, and how did they do?


I couldn't believe how much of a pretty boy Bach was, my GOD... he wined more than my X wife!


I like all of the guys, but jeez!



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they played pretty well. at one point, sebastian came out on stage with a bottle of jack and pounded it along with pouring it all over his face. of course that horrified the rest of the band. turns out it was iced tea. he was a damn whiney little b*tch the whole series. couldn't stand him. scott was just psyched to play with the nuge.


didnt watch rockstar supernova, but saw them play on kimmel the other night. band sounded good, but i thought the singer was real rough.

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