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What happens when you steal someone's ebay ad


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I just sold an HID light off my car, it sold for $220 on ebay. Here is my auction- http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...57292303&rd=1,1

Note that those are not the pictures that were in the auction originally.


I get a message from a random ebay user saying someone stole my pictures and were using them as his own and they sent me the ebay auction number. I check it out and the dusche bag stole my auction word for word and even my pictures. I sent him a message on ebay and told him this-


Question from sublvr72 to lincolncarguy-

Hi, I am the person that you stole the ad and pictures from that you used in your auction. I took the liberty of removing the pictures from my web host. Those pictures are my property and you stole them. You also linked it to my file server and you stole bandwidth from me. You piece of shit. Eat my ass and good luck with your sorry ass auction that now has no pics. Fag, I hope your dick falls off.


he replied with this-


reply from lincolncarguy-

I was not removable and i did not get it from you.


Now I don't know exactly what he was trying to say here but I take it that he is denying the fact that he stole my pics and ad. Well what he didn't realize is that he stole my pictures from my file server, he direct linked it to my photobucket account. So...I edited the pictures for him and I hope he does well with his auction!


What a jackass...



here is his ad-


Edited by bgdsub72 (see edit history)
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Well, I've had my laugh for the day.  Nice job.


I think I would have replaced one with a pic of a naked fat chick and then reported him for selling porn.





I was thinking about that, but I figured it would hurt him more this way. If ebay takes it down then he will relist it with out my pics. I think my pics are a great way to keep people from buying from him for right now. At least if the auction is taken down it will be by him.

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