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One year ago...


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I was writing away and I realized (again) that I joined the site a few days ago today...and I would have had my ss for a year in a few days (the 9th). And in that short time I have become a major post whore, unloaded a TON of money, gone through burns, sweat, cuts, bruises, all from the truck. And have taken a ton of time away from my studies and other "online work" :D and you know what? Its been worth, I have no regrets with this site. If anything it has been a tool which always points me in the right direction. When ever I had a question it was answered, I saved a ton of money, and recieved a WEALTH of information that now I can strike up a conversation about cams, and well anything. The people on here, well I consider myself very picky as to who I call "friends" and most of the guys (and gals) here are "genuine". (even the guys who dont own :chevy: *cough cough* :jester: ) So keeping this from being all teary eyed stuff. I would just like to say thanks, for making this my daily staple along with my email. Extending my friends in the "automotive world" beyond the trucks and actually...well making them friends. Which to me is the most important part. So in short.


Thank you SSS.com :cheers:

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have'nt been here quite as long (june 29th) but definetley feel the same as you about the site.. like any type of family not everyone always agrees on a certain subject or likes the same things, but when it comes down to it were all here to help each other out, and i like you am proud to be part of this group.

congrats on your one year aniver-SSS-ery :thumbs:

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