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Some really good Police Work ....


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Hey all ... I know there has been a lot of discontent with my brotheren in blue lately on this forum. So here is a snap-shot of what I do ....


Finally, this lady got her day in Superior Court. It was my Search Warrant (16 pages long) that netted her. I couldn't have done it without my other partners on the Drug Task Force though ....


Real Scum-Bag ... Who cares that she is 63 years of age. She is pedaling her poison to anyone and everyone. The Trafficing charge alone, has a Minimum-Mandatory 3 years ... So, no matter what, she will do 3 years and then some ... She has a maximum of 20 years hanging over her head.


Berkshire Eagle - 12/05/2006


North Adams Transcript - 12/05/2006

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:smash: Here here buddy! I try to not get upset with the PD around my area for two reasons. One they are people who are working their job to the best they can. Two my old town has a population of 53,000 people and only 160 officers. That is roughly 340 people to one officer. Not everyone can be liked. To be put simple you have to really really stand out to be singled out.
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:smash: Here here buddy! I try to not get upset with the PD around my area for two reasons. One they are people who are working their job to the best they can. Two my old town has a population of 53,000 people and only 160 officers. That is roughly 340 people to one officer. Not everyone can be liked. To be put simple you have to really really stand out to be singled out.

:withstupid: There have only been a handful of times that I've truely been harrassed. I know it was harrassment, because not only was the officer being a complete d*ck, I was pulled over for a bogus reason, and was not issued a citation. For the most part when I got pulled over I was doing something. Speeding, expired inspection/registration, ect. Police officers do a thankless job sometimes, and I realize this more the older I get. I truely appreciate what you do by putting your life on the line to take scumbags off the streets. I guess it's that way with any job, you're going to have some bad apples. Hopefully that wont spoil the bunch.
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I personally have the utmost respect for officers of the law. We need them out there doing their jobs. I almost took a job as an Idaho State Police Trooper myself. I know what they have to go through with the background checks, polygraph, physical fitness tests, psych evals, etc.


There are good and bad people, even with police. Fortunately, most cops are good folks. Keep up the good work.




P.S. I like to accelerate at a rapid pace, but I usually let up on or about the speed limit. :)

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