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Let's see some trees


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Just got mine put up tonight. It's the biggest one we've ever had. I did most of the decorating :D And I think I did a pretty good job. *note* came with lights already on it, so I can't take credit for that :banghead:



And Haley(aka Itty Bitty) has already made it her bed.



Okay now lets see some more :smash:

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what.. no tree thats down right un-christmassy,what are you a scrooge or something? :tear:
Nope not at all; I love Christmas, it's one of the 2-3 times a year I get to be with my kids. Unfortunately I have to do so in California, meaning that I'm not home the last half of December plus I have to work double-time in Nov and Dec to earn the vacation time, and I'd rather save my money for the trip and my kids. So it doesn't get done.
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P,i was just bustin your stones,in my book kids are priority 1 and if I were in your shoes I'd be doing the same. :thumbs:
Oh god no, I knew you weren't getting down on me :thumbs: And I hope you know I wasn't trying to be defensive, just telling the facts, I understand that my life is pretty far from normal. As I look back now the last 15 years of my life the holidays have been an extremely stressful period in my life; my now-ex was raised a Jehovas Witness so after we married she always tried to make up an entire childhood of missed holidays in one month - in 1998 our holiday spending was $8000, and the Christmas of '01 broke us up. And I've got no problem being open about all this but I'm not going to continue hijacking Kim's thread so here is my last Christmas tree:




Mr. P.

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Nice lookin tree wish i had 1 to post but im in the middle of movig so i dont have 1.


:withstupid: That looks wonderful Kim.  This is going to be my 5th year without a tree. :sigh:


Mr. P.

Thanks guys :) .......you all make me feel bad for posting pics now :sigh:


OMG our poor mexicaned out christmas tree [with tamales as ornaments] has nothing on your beautiful tree :(

Pics :smash: Now :smash:


Judging from the angle of your picture ... you are one tall lady.


Very very nice tree ... nice work  :cheers:

Thanks :cheers:

No not that tall. 5'7" The tree is 7'5" I guess just the way I was holding the camera. You should have seen me trying to get that angel on the top. It was almost an america's funniest home video. :crackup:


i need to get a picture of my buddys tree, the ornaments are bigger than it

Please do...we need more pics :smash:

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P,i was just bustin your stones,in my book kids are priority 1 and if I were in your shoes I'd be doing the same. :thumbs:
Oh god no, I knew you weren't getting down on me :thumbs: And I hope you know I wasn't trying to be defensive, just telling the facts, I understand that my life is pretty far from normal. As I look back now the last 15 years of my life the holidays have been an extremely stressful period in my life; my now-ex was raised a Jehovas Witness so after we married she always tried to make up an entire childhood of missed holidays in one month - in 1998 our holiday spending was $8000, and the Christmas of '01 broke us up. And I've got no problem being open about all this but I'm not going to continue hijacking Kim's thread so here is my last Christmas tree:




Mr. P.

Well since you posted a pic of a tree, I guess you can hijack it for a little bit :D

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I love christmas, I ended up going the other day taking my niece and buying the treE (shes 3) Ill post pics soon, probably by saturday or sunday we will have all of the ornaments on. Its like 20 something odd years of ornaments accumalated with my parents. It would be more but one year my mom asked my dad to "throw out the tree" and he did just that :lol: Right out the window :crackup: His excuse was that he thought she meant it literally and didnt want to deal with the removal of the ornaments :D

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