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Something a bit different


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I think 20 acres is huge and to think your parents own 40K in NM and a 1,500 acre parcel in Texas is rediculous...
Last summer speculators discovered natural gas across the street and want to put in a couple wells on my parent's property, they are talking revenues of something on the order of $3M+ over the next few years - now that's ridiculous. :crazy:


that is pretty sweet man i used to team rope every thursday night and then go team pinning on saturday nights. now i just work all the time.
My father and I started the USTRC and classification system 18 years ago, it was his idea and I did all the software development up to this day, who'd have thought it would be the business it is now. We're still developing the new classification system now. The work is killing me, I'm ready to leave.


I go through Santa Rosa every year on my way to Farmington, NM and Cortez, CO. I always stop at Blake's Lotta Burger. I lived in Farmington for 10 years or so, brother is still there.
I remember Blakes, that was the only place to eat before the Loves and T/A! We also have many dear family friends around Farmington and I've gotten to the point of driving that stretch half-asleep!


Mr. P.

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everyone spends the morning roping, wrestling, doctoring, castrating, and branding the yearling bulls


Hey There Mr. P ...


Just finally read this thread ... Nice Photo's, along with a great story of you family.


It is not as easy as it looks. I spent a week on a Cattle Station in Dingo, Queensland Australia ... It was F ...'n wild!!! to say the least ... Only a small station at 25,000 acers !!!! They did a special branding session for me, so I could take part. Cutting off the horns (Stubs) ... "Micky-ing" the bulls ... Branding ... The whole shabang!!! Some of the best memories of my life were on that station.


Great folks, great lifestyle for the storng !!! Thanks for sharing....

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