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The way things used to be...


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I still have an original "Pong' console kicking around somewhere. :banghead: and an Atari 2600 :banghead::banghead:


Learned to drive "3 on the tree" also. No power steering or brakes. Shifting from 1st to 2nd while trying to make a hard turn or parallel parking was fun.


Cars were more exciting. They'd go like hell but take about a week to stop. 4 wheel drum brakes that heated and faded in about 50ft.!!! Unless you were really into it, all you had was am radio and maybe an 8 track player. On the other hand, no electronics or smog controls on the engines. You could set the points with a matchbook cover.



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i am no old timer, but my childhood was definitely like the one described above. i was always outside, i got hurt (always had a scrape, cut or road rash somewhere), i got into fights, when i got my asked kick i learned my lesson, no law suits and when i won fights i didn't have to deal with 5 other ppl at the same time. i thinks it's called HONOR. i can climb any tree to the top, fix anything, build anything and i learned it all as a kid, hell i worked as a contractor's assistant when i was 12, i had video games but that was only for when friends were over and we were already done with our nightly mischief. i never gave up a sunny day outside for the tv or video games.anyway

i think society is excusing weakness within our ranks.

we must stick to darwinism...."Survival of the Fittest" (Herbert Spencer coined this phrase in light of Darwin's theory of natural selection).

society is basically raising a bunch of pussies

great post

ES :flag:


by the way, there was a great article in maxim this month in regards to this related topic, i'll post it up here when i get time. if not, go get yourself a copy.

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I am not in that group of people but it sounds like my childhood. I got my first BB gun for my 7th birthday and a motorcycle for my 10th and we never had game consoles in my home until i was around 16, I would have always rather been outside riding my bike or fishing. Haha I had some fixation with the millitary when I was young and would go to areas where neighborhoods were being built in my camos with my BB gun and wrist rocket and run around in the electrical ravines pretending they were the trenches of WWII haha......no wonder I am going in the Marine Corps.



oh yeah I ate garbage and am in no way fat either, my generation makes me sick.



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No kidding, I learned to shoot at age 6 with a 22lr and was shooting a bow when I was 8. To even speak of such thing a thing nowadays would be considered child endangerment or even get your child expelled from school.


Teacher: "What did you do for fun this weekend Johnny?"


Johnny: "My dad and I shot at some empty beer cans, he taught me how to shoot a rifle."


Teacher: "Johnny, go to the principles office while we search your locker, you and your father should ashamed of yourselves. Beer cans and guns around an 8 year old, you'll be drinking and shooting your classmates before your 13!!"

Edited by Black2003SS (see edit history)
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"Fear stupid people in large numbers...they will be the demise of our society."

that statement is so true,I was working at a local college on dec.7.when a teacher out of the blue asked me if i knew what that day was so i replied who doesent its pearl harbor day,every american knows that,to which she replied i asked my students the same question and almost no one knew,to which i replied that is a down right shame how the hell do they get this far(college) and not know what dec.7. is?to me thats the same a pissing on the graves of all those who paid the ultimate price to make this a better place for them to live.in my opinion knowing is a way of paying tribute to those brave enlisted men and women. :banghead:by the way i was born in 1971,30 years after the fact.

Edited by kissfans03ss (see edit history)
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1961 here, Man this brings back some memory's. Remember going to Drive In's with a groups of your buddies and there cars. Just to hang out and party at the Drive In and then leaving and not even remembering what movie you where at :crackup: Or just cruising the strip and watching the cops making people pour out there beer in front of everyone, and then telling you to go home and don't let me see you around here again tonight. Only too see you the next week and give you a friendly wave, and maybe even stopping just to say something like "Are you staying out of trouble tonight" :cheers:


The cool thing is I still have my 78 Z28 that my wife and I use to cruise around in. Back in the late 70's and early 80's. I just can't let it go. On my third motor, 2nd tranny and 2nd rearend. And only 78k original miles. Yeah it has seen some high revs in the day :D

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Wow... bunch of oldsters here  :jester:


Remember when sex was safe...


and motorcycles were dangerous


Remember when the only thing bad for you from sex, was the cigarette afterwards!!!!


Or having a Black and White TV with dials on it ... and your first VCR came with a Wired remote??


Born in 1971 ...

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