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The way things used to be...


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remember the old consol tv's? and the old hi-fi's? they were giant pieces of wooden furniture. and then when cable came out, the boxes weren't remote controlled and had a series of buttons on top for each channel.


then there was riding your bike everywhere. there were no helmets to protect your squash. the only time you wore a helmet was at football, baseball, or hockey. if you made the teams.


like it said, you stayed out all day till the street lights came on. if you were late, you were grounded. and when you were sent to you room, there was no tv, video games, computer, cell phone, etc. getting sent to your room and/or being grounded was actual punishment.

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      Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment. Imagine that!!



there's a local town here that announced the other day that they will no longer post the honor roll in the town paper because of the disappointment of the students that didn't make it. another town last year stopped using red ink to correct homework because of the embarassment suffered by students with bad grades.



There's a town here that had HS cheerleader tryouts, I believe 25 or so girls tried out for 12 spots. The parents of the ones that didn't make it complained to the school that it was too hard (WAAAAA), so they let everyone that tried out be on the squad. Then the parents of the originals that made it complained that it was unfair to let all of them on the squad.


Some people are doing a great disservice to their kids by trying to protect them from failure/disappointment. Because they are going to encounter it at some point in their life. The sooner they lean to deal with it, the better.

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Wow... bunch of oldsters here  :jester:


Remember when sex was safe...


and motorcycles were dangerous


Remember when the only thing bad for you from sex, was the cigarette afterwards!!!!


Or having a Black and White TV with dials on it ... and your first VCR came with a Wired remote??


Born in 1971 ...

And you were the remote. :crackup:

Born 1967

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