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my mom had one a few years back...she awas temp paralyzed on one side for a while...but she got better almost back too normal but not 100% shes does good but i can still tell a differwence in the way she is...it was a rough time for me but it does get better...we will pray for you and yours

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fox, sorry man, i somehow missed this thread. i just found it just now.


man, i really hope things with your mom are going to be ok. I know how scary that is for you. i'll keep you and your family in my prayers. and please, don't hesitate to ask if you need ANYTHING. your SSS.com family is here for you.

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Thanks a ton guys, I will be staying home tonight and heading back over in the AM when she gets more tests done. She finally fell asleep and will be getting a full nights rest with the occasional check here and there. When I first got back to the hospital after I made this thread she got about 1.5hrs of sleep and she was alert, speaking great, and had proper movement, although her vision is still messing with her. Once she started to get tired again, she started babbling and slurring some odd things again, almost like she was dreaming about stuff and as soon as she woke up the dream was still going on.


She has a CT scan in the am then an MRI in the afternoon, then on thursday she has some other test where they will put a tube down her throat to check out everything and make sure its right. Thanks for the support guys and I will update as much as I can with the condition. Time to get a little rest and head back over in the AM. See ya guys

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Man I feel for you ... that is rough ... I don't know how I would do in your situation. Keep your chin up man, it sounds like you guys are in good hands. Nice work with the quick 911 call. Keep us in the loop, and may god keep you guys in his hands.

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Thanks a ton guys, I will be staying home tonight and heading back over in the AM when she gets more tests done.  She finally fell asleep and will be getting a full nights rest with the occasional check here and there.  When I first got back to the hospital after I made this thread she got about 1.5hrs of sleep and she was alert, speaking great, and had proper movement, although her vision is still messing with her.  Once she started to get tired again, she started babbling and slurring some odd things again, almost like she was dreaming about stuff and as soon as she woke up the dream was still going on.


She has a CT scan in the am then an MRI in the afternoon, then on thursday she has some other test where they will put a tube down her throat to check out everything and make sure its right.  Thanks for the support guys and I will update as much as I can with the condition.  Time to get a little rest and head back over in the AM.  See ya guys

That's great news to hear that she was speaking and showed some improvement. Stay strong, everything will turn out for the better. Sometimes it takes these experiences to realize how much you really love someone.

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