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Hey Fox, I am very sorry to hear this and hope things turn out fine. It was two years ago last week that I lost my mom of a sudden death and I'm still not over it, sure I never will be. I cant begin to describe how lost you feel when you lose a parent, for me it feels like i'm in a black hole at times.


Please keep thinking positive thoughts, I'll pray for you and her.

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Thanks a ton guys, I was able to get out a little today while she is resting. She seemed a lot better today as she had a full nights rest. She seems to be more with it and understand her surroundings a lot more and was able to hold a conversation and not ramble off on another topic. She had some more CT scans and nothing is showing up on them which is a good sign meaning it wasnt a big clot that most likely caused the stroke. They sent her for an MRI this morning to try and pinpoint the situation a little more but havent heard the results from that just yet. The main thing now is her eyesight is still all screwed up which affects her balance a lot. She is seeing double and her right eye seems to focus more down and to the right which I think she is trying to compansate for when walking and she tends to lean to far left. A few more tests are going to be run then we will go from there I guess. Thanks a ton guys, it means a lot!!!! Till next time......

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sorry to hear the news. my grandmother has had a couple of strokes and a guy that i work with had one this past January. he's 30. she'll bounce back soon enough.


good thing you were there and kept a level head during the whole thing.

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Well mom dukes is home as of right now. They were trying to keep her for another week + for rehab. Once the rehab people actually came down and checked her out they said there isnt much more they can do as she was doing fine on her own. I think the head Doc just wanted money or something cause he kept talking about her balance problem. And all I kept saying is her eyes are F*CKED UP, what do you think is going to happen. But she is home and happy she is out of the shit room with the 90yr old lady who kept her up all night. All she needs is rest and she wasnt getting that in the hospital room she was in. So I think personally within a few days her eyesight will be back to normal and she will be back to her old self. Any rest she got her eyesight got better along with her balance, so now that she can get a full nights sleep who knows what will happen with her vision. Thanks again guys, I'm sure everyone cared for this situation helped get her better and out of the hospital within 4 full days!!!! Thanks!!

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Hey fox man you and your family are in my thoughts too. I had a stroke when I was 21. Not alot of people know that and I don't go around telling people you would never know unless I told ya.. But she will be all right just stay strong and be there all you can. I pulled though and turned out pretty okay.


You have a good group behind yah and someone watching over you and yours.


All the best bro.

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