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Lost my little buddy today


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i'm sorry hear it bro. but you know you did everything you could and you gave her a great life. my girlfriend read your post and was touched (she cried) she says to get another puppy from the humane society and help out another dog because you seem to be someone who really cares for animals and that it will help you cope.

hang in there

ES :flag:

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tell your girl she's a sweetheart for being that touched. If we ever meet, Im gonna buy you and her dinner.


i dont know if I can handle another pup.. even one from the humane society.

its going to take me time to get over this.


lets see if this pic thing works

Here she is about 6 hours before passing


Edited by Bonj87 (see edit history)
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I'm so sorry to hear about you're loss. She sure was a pretty girl. I lost one of my dogs not too long ago. I'm still having some problems dealing with it. It definently takes time. All I know to say to you is don't keep your emotions bottled up inside. Talk to anyone who will listen. It helps alot just to share happy memories. Rest in peace Jingles.

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My deepest sympathies for your loss brother :(


I too lost my family dog of 11.5 years. He was an English Springer Spaniel, great dog, my best friend. Unfortunately, in his later years he developed a lot of medical problems (i.e. cataracts in both eyes that led to total blindness, hip arthritis and even loss of hearing). In the end my family decided it was best to put him to sleep to end his constant pain. The worst part was that, being that I'm in the Navy, I couldn't make it home to be there when he was laid to rest...instead I got a phone call from my dad after he returned from the vet's office. I was crushed...


My family bought another dog, a black lab puppy we named Simon, a few months later and we've had him ever since (he's 5 years old now). Simon may fill the emptiness left behind when Chester died, and he is loved very much, but he will never replace Chester, and Chester will never be forgotten.


My condolences to all of you who have also had to endure the pain of a pet loved and lossed...

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sorry to hear that.  she lived a long time.  hope she went to doggie heven


Didnt you know? All dogs go to heaven :)


Please dont rule out getting another dog. And if you or your family would have a hard time raising a puppy, then consider adopting an older dog. There are literally millions out there to be had-none of them will replace your friend, but the experiences you have with the new one will be just as good.


Ive only lost one myself. Half Golden, half Lab, long haired. He lived to be 13 and a half, so he had a good run. And Im happy to say his last two years were the best of his life.


It took me a year to get over the loss, and decide to get another dog. Then it took another year to find just the right one, a purebred Golden who thinks he rules the world-he's 4 now.


Im sorry for your loss. Hope you and your family feel better soon.

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oh man..

the wife and I broke down again this morning. Our vet surprised us and sent us a beautiful flower arrangement with a sympathy card in it..

we miss her more every day.

thanks again to all the well wishes from everyone on the site, we really do appreciate them all.

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