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New Mustang goes down


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Took the day off today (had to burn some days before the end of the year) and went X-mas shopping for the wife. I took the Typhoon out for a change since it was a nice day. Well I am on a 4 lane highway in front of a mall with all kinds of traffic, I am in the slow lane. The light turns yellow in front of me and for a minute I thought about coasting through it but I slowed to a stop. To my right there is a lane that goes for about an 1/8 mile and then must turn into the mall, my lane goes strait and the left lane goes strait.


O.K.,...A sharp new Mustang with a nice body kit and a nice sounding exhaust is behind me. I have been watching these guys for about a mile weaving in and out of traffic trying to get to the fire I guess. Well, he inches out from behind me and goes to my right (in the mall turn lane only). I know what he is going to (try) to do :devil: I look over at them and the driver is fixed on the overhead stoplight. I said to myself what the hell and prepped for a boosted launch. With that the light turns green and I paused to see what the Mustang was going to do. Sure enough he hits it and lays some black marks. Without even thinking about it I launch and catch rubber (all 4 :driving: ). I catch up to the Mustang within a split second and pass him as he is shifting from 1st gear (I hear his tires squeel). At that point it was all over to to 75MPH or so where I stopped pulling but he was an easy 3-4 car lengths behind me. He suffered the loss from a 15 year old SUV by having to merge back into the original spot he was at before. :thumbs: Didn't have the chance to line up again as I had to make a turn but did give them an honest wave as I turned :seeya:


I introduced some Generation Y kids to old school performance today and it was fun. I'll bet they will remember that that a Typhoon isn't an old worn out Jimmy. :D



My Typhoon is modestly modified (3 BAR MAP, 50# injectors, custom burned chip, exhaust, converter) but will be going back to stock soon as I can't cut up a 45k mile classic. I am guessing it will turn low 13's on the 1/4 based on other Phoon times I see with similar mods. :cheers:

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:lol: sounds like alot of fun. Some kid i know, his step mom has a 06 GT mustang and from what ive heard its rather pathetic. They raced an 04 GTO in it and got boned... HARD! Some of my buddies think i should give it a run in the SS, I think the GT will give me a good race... :dunno:
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