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There is a kid about my age down the street..We get our first cars within the same week. He is braggin about how he is gettin a SS..I know he has a point but is there anything I should do to my truck(possibly an SS) that I could say is better?

You guys have helped me in the past so Im gonna turn to you guys again.

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he was just busting your ba**s about the stickers. why do you care to say if its better? prove your truck or whatever is better by smoking him in the power feild.thats what i did with my truck(not a ss) some kids said that there vw dubs and civics were faster and better .(all the kids in my school have imports their just ricers, im the only american truck there.) and i have a 4.8 not a big engine and just proved to them that my truck is better in a lil race we had on the highway, and till this day everyone says i have the best vech. in school.....so dont go in a word battel between him, thats just acting like child....

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he was just busting your ba**s about the stickers. why do you care to say if its better? prove your truck or whatever is better by smoking him in the power feild.thats what i did with my truck(not a ss) some kids said that there vw dubs and civics were faster and better .(all the kids in my school have imports their just ricers, im the only american truck there.) and i have a 4.8 not a big engine and just proved to them that my truck is better in a lil race we had on the highway, and till this day everyone says i have the best vech. in school.....so dont go in a word battel between him, thats just acting like child....


What would you suggest if i wanted some power with a lil cost?

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you haven't even got the truck yet.


1. Get the truck first

2. Learn how to drive the truck with all it has

a. the power

b. the responsiveness

c. acceleration

d. speed

e. braking

3. THEN worry about doing any mods so you can punk some punk down the street.



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get a blue one.. then you can tell him that blue is a rarer color than his, and of course its the fastest color, cuz its cool..


Yeah get a blue one but you will have to put a sail on it like that post on here yesterday to make it faster than a black one.. :jester:

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get a blue one.. then you can tell him that blue is a rarer color than his, and of course its the fastest color, cuz its cool..


Yeah get a blue one but you will have to put a sail on it like that post on here yesterday to make it faster than a black one.. :jester:


then take the black one, put the sail on it then a whole bunch of stickers, then it just might keep up with a red SS :lol:

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I'm all for a teenager having a nice fast ride, but my question is, has your dad taken the time to show you how to drive it and use it? And I don't mean some SEARS tool driving instructor telling you to put your blinker on in a parking lot while coasting in a neon around orange cones. Have you been to any driving schools?


You want some real advice? Instead of buying any "mods", save up your money and go to a driving school (Read as NOT SEARS or ABC crap) for an extended weekend. Usually costs about $1,000 or more, but it will teach you things that will save your life and the life of others. Once you know how to really drive and accurately judge distances, lane change aggresively/defensively, brake/steering while braking, turn (not just turn the wheel, but dynmics thereof), etc. Then you can mod your truck.


Last thing any of us want to hear or read is two 16yr olds that got high powered trucks and were street racing, ran a stopsign/red light accidently, t-boned some innocent mom taking her two kids to school and injured killed them. Further, if you want to race him, take him to test and tune night at your local drag strip.

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I'm all for a teenager having a nice fast ride, but my question is, has your dad taken the time to show you how to drive it and use it?  And I don't mean some SEARS tool driving instructor telling you to put your blinker on in a parking lot while coasting in a neon around orange cones.  Have you been to any driving schools? 


You want some real advice?  Instead of buying any "mods", save up your money and go to a driving school (Read as NOT SEARS or ABC crap) for an extended weekend. Usually costs about $1,000 or more, but it will teach you things that will save your life and the life of others.  Once you know how to really drive and accurately judge distances, lane change aggresively/defensively, brake/steering while braking, turn (not just turn the wheel, but dynmics thereof), etc.  Then you can mod your truck.


Last thing any of us want to hear or read is two 16yr olds that got high powered trucks and were street racing, ran a stopsign/red light accidently, t-boned some innocent mom taking her two kids to school and injured killed them.  Further, if you want to race him, take him to test and tune night at your local drag strip.




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