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Motherf@#kers broke in....


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Went to the club last night only to come out and find someone had broken in my truck :mad: .. Theres a small hole punched thru under the handle right by the lock.... :confused:


What the hell can I do so this never happens again? I did a search and found info on replacing the driver side plate with one like the passenger with no lock but not much detail other then that. Any other things you guys suggest?


And before any one ask the truck is only a month old to me so I havent put the alarm on it yet, I was getting it down when I got my new headunit installed! :nonod:


Oh, the worst part of it all was the f@#kers took my 2 week old Glock! :mad:


Anyone else had there truck broke in like this? And if so how much was it to be repaired? I went to Tacobell this afternoon and when coming thru the drive thru I could see the hole in the reflection of the glass....... Oh I feel so sick to my stomach right now. You guys just dont know! :cry:

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I hate to hear that. I see your location and that kind of crap happens all the time in ATL.  Makes you want to hurt somebody really bad  :devil:



Yeah man! The bad thing is I live in Duluth, a friend of mine wanted to go out for his birthday and we ended up at the Body Tap (strip club).


I learned my damn lesson on this one though... My first thought was to leave my damn gun at home but we all know how things can sometime get out of hand so I brought it... Mistake one!


Something told me to roll my girls car because with it being the holidays and having a temp plate I didnt want the cops to stop me. Mistake two!


Should have done a Naploen Dynamite and followed my damn heart! :sigh:

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dude that sucks it seems you have been added to the list of vandelized ss's on this site,make sure you give the cops your serial number off your gun cause you dont want to be tied to aany robberies,murders,etc.good luck bro. :banghead:


absolutely!!! just don't say you left it in the vehicle unattended. huge no no!!

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dude that sucks it seems you have been added to the list of vandelized ss's on this site,make sure you give the cops your serial number off your gun cause you dont want to be tied to aany robberies,murders,etc.good luck bro. :banghead:


absolutely!!! just don't say you left it in the vehicle unattended. huge no no!!


Tell them you had it with you and didn't have time to take it home and you weren't gonna bring it into the strip club so you left it out there. No big deal then.

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mistake #three- living in the ghetto :jester:



No Sir, I am far from the ghetto my friend.... The mistake was being in the City at the club in my truck :nono: . The area around the club is not so great hints the reason I carried my Gun.


I did report the gun stolen and they have all my information. :thumbs: I will be sure to have the case number in my wallet at all times though.


As bad as it is to have your weapon stole from you I care more about my Truck then I do the gun! I own quit a few hand guns but only 1 Silverado.... My girl just keeps telling me it's gonna be alright and we'll get it fixed ASAP. I know she's right, and I also know it could have been far worst if the truck was stolen all together. :sigh:

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