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DVK Where are you???


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I thought I heard he was going to quit his job as well. Sounds like his plate is pretty full.


Here is the topic about his baby early in November



Edited by Big O (see edit history)
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Thats pretty crazy I had no idea about all this BS I only live a few miles from Dylan and havn't heard to seen from him in months untill about 3 weeks or so ago I sent him a PM and got one back just stating that he had been really busy and would catch up more after the holidays.

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Hey guys... so you noticed I hadn't been around (you like me!! you really like me!!)


As was mentioned... theres been a lot of stuff in my life recently that has taken up my free time where I'd usually jump on the site for a while. The new job is going great, it looks like I'm poised to take over the shift coordinators position in about 6-8 months and then take over as the DC Manager witin a year after that... I had to take a pay cut for the first couple of months which isn't easy on the family, but in the long run this should double what I was making at the last job.


Tanner is awesome... its hard to explain, but as much of a PITA it is not sleeping, changing diapers, etc I've never had more fun. He was 7 weeks old on Tuesday and hes already changed so much. Pics >>>>>


I'll embarrass him by putting up the bath picture :D



Belated Merry Xmas to everyone :D




Add to all that I've been picking up some side detail jobs for some extra cash and I'll be doing web videos and pro-photography for a couple of performance shops after the new year I've got A LOT going on. Its good to see you guys have been thinking about me, and I promise as things calm down (and I get some sleep) I'll be back on here harrassing everyone again. :jester:

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Hey guys... so you noticed I hadn't been around (you like me!! you really like me!!)


As was mentioned... theres been a lot of stuff in my life recently that has taken up my free time where I'd usually jump on the site for a while. The new job is going great, it looks like I'm poised to take over the shift coordinators position in about 6-8 months and  then take over as the DC Manager witin a year after that... I had to take a pay cut for the first couple of months which isn't easy on the family, but in the long run this should double what I was making at the last job.


Tanner is awesome... its hard to explain, but as much of a PITA it is not sleeping, changing diapers, etc I've never had more fun. He was 7 weeks old on Tuesday and hes already changed so much. Pics >>>>>


I'll embarrass him by putting up the bath picture  :D



Belated Merry Xmas to everyone  :D




Add to all that I've been picking up some side detail jobs for some extra cash and I'll be doing web videos and pro-photography for a couple of performance shops after the new year I've got A LOT going on. Its good to see you guys have been thinking about me, and I promise as things calm down (and I get some sleep) I'll be back on here harrassing everyone again.  :jester:

Beautiful fingers nails you have there Dylan. :jester:


I believe things happen for a reason as they did for you. Sounds like everything is in your control now. Good luck with the new job. BTW you little guy is sooo cute.

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