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so I'm on my way to work this morning. i go thru the tolls going from the Mass Pike to Rt. 128 North (I-95). as i'm getting on the highway and start moving over to the left lane, i see this object in my rearview wayback behind me, jump out of his lane. as he gets about 1/4 mile behind me i can tell its a black F-250. he's weaving in and out of traffic and coming up kinda fast.


at this point, i'm doing about 70.


he starts coming up behind me as i'm stuck behind a woman in a sequoia. he cuts across the three lanes to the right and goes by us. she gets out of my way as he's making his way back across to the left. i decide that im not giving up my lane to this guy so before he gets all the way over, i pass him at about 105. i slow down to about 75 and here he comes again. at this point, i had already moved overa lane when i slowed down.


when he passes me, there are two chicks in the back seat and i can see them make a face. so i jump in behind him and start riding him. he tries to pull away and all i do is shadow him. finally i had enough and go by him again. this time, he didnt come back for more.


all this and all i wanted to do was get to work. too tired from this weekend and not in the mood for that.

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I have seen some hopped up diesel F-250's that go pretty good. If they run on gas, they don't have a chance.


I have come to the conclusion that my Vortec MAX does not intimidate other trucks. I don't have people try to outrun me from the stoplights like you guys do. I think it is because you have the "SS" on the side. I have only outrun a few cars. They were all young kids in daddy's car I think. I outrun an Audi TT, a supercharged Buick, and a hopped up Hummer with a Duramax. I still want to try a Titan and burn some rice :)


Nice kill. I bet the girls didn't think he was so cool after you stomped him. :)



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sweet Burn!!!

too bad you didnt have some chicks in the ss with ya





So I was at the car wash lastnight, and there was a black 06 ss there also, looked like it was 100 years old it was that bad looking but the owner of it was tryin to seem like he cared about it. Untill my SS came out all of his 5 friends started in on me about what year was it wat mods you got wanna race ... I responded with the usuale well what you can see is the mods 22" LED red tail lights and no motor work (keep in mind the owner of the black ss was still trying to get his numbers off the wendow from the track probly from 3 weeks ago (lol)) I love it when i see that well they want to race so we line up out at the light down the road from the car wash and BURN.... my 03 stomped the 06 black one. Now can someone tell me why people talk all the smack try and look like their rides are fast and they have no idea what their doin? and you can soooo tell it all by the way thay take care of their ride. I just wanted to embarrasse him in fron of all of his friends, for runnintheir mouth so much.


the 06 might of had a chance it the tires wernt so slick from shoin off aroun every corrner

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You gotta use that traffic to put your opponent in the same situation he wanted to keep you in...Box him up in slow traffic, then press on with pride  :)


I hear ya, box 'em in and make 'em wait in line like everyone else.....................

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You gotta use that traffic to put your opponent in the same situation he wanted to keep you in...Box him up in slow traffic, then press on with pride  :)


I hear ya, box 'em in and make 'em wait in line like everyone else.....................


the only reason i was boxed in was because i allowed it. i was nursing a holiday weekend hangover and i just wasn't in the mood. then here he comes so once it was on, it was on. trust me, i love to box in others.

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