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ok drinking and driving is dumb. but who would be the real dumb a$$ to be drinking and driving a SSS? my life and my truck mean way to much to me to do anything that dumb. let alone any innocent people it may affect. sorry for the out burst but drinking and driving just really get me mad :banghead::mad::mad::mad:

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good to hear she is ok, it's a shame that there are alot of drunk drivers out there that go unoticed, i hope that there are all good reports after the new year. i do not want to come back on the board and see a wrecked ss, or hear that someone got killed ar arrested for such a shitty thing as driving under the influnce- do not risk it, it is not worth it, too many innocent people out on the roads that have to suffer. find a sober ride, it's easier to call for a ride from a party than it is from jail, trust me i see it every day



:cheers: + :driving: = :sick:






just my little rant ;)

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