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Well did I miss anything good?


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Happy New Year! :cheers:


Just back in and I am so glad to be home. I changed my travel plans and flew from Sacramento to Phoenix and then drove to DFW with friends, got my truck, then drove home. Yours truly put another 18-hrs behind the wheel; I just love the open road.


Got home to find that we had 2 tornados touch down in Stephenville while I was gone, one very close to my work building and it caused all kinds of problems, we were off the internet for 10-minutes.


And someone tried to break into my garage while I was gone :dunno: and only managed to thoroughly fubar my garage door, it's ALL jacked-up and screwed, I think a new door will be required. So the truck is parked in the driveway tonight. :uhoh: Bunch of f'ing savages in this town... :nonod:


Killed a Corvette (C5) with my sister's Benz S500 three nights ago in CA on Hwy 4 near Farmington, the C5 could not outrun the Benz and that TOTALLY surprised me. :eek: The big black cruiser has more balls than I gave it credit, it did not reel-in the C5, it totally pwned it, I overtook the Vette at 130+. No I have not told my sister yet. :devil:


Already missing my kids. :tear: Glad to be back in my own truck. :chevy:


Mr. P. :)

Edited by misterp (see edit history)
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Did your neighbors see anything me and my neighbors try to look out for each other.Does your garage face the street.My buddies across the street drink quite often and have nice street bikes they always go to sleep and leave their garage door open so i always get up at night to look out the windows.I dont trust anyone so i had the alarm guys hook my house alarm up to my garage doors. :chevy:

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Hey Steve ....


Glad your home in one piece .... Sorry about the garage.  I hate thieves with a passion.


Now ... lets talk about this spontanious utterance of breaking the sound barrier in a Mercedes Benz ...  :D  :D  :jester:  :jester:

Well, you're right I'm not telling you the entire story.


My sister loaned me her S500 on Christmas morning so I could pick-up my kids, they live about 90-mins from her house. I was traveling eastbound on Hwy 4 about 10-minutes from Farmington and got stuck in the only traffic of the morning, I was third car of a half-dozen vehicles and we were behind a slow-moving rusted-out mid-80s Nissan truck with a plywood rear 'window'. After rounding a moderate left-hander I stabbed the throttle and began to overtake the lead two vehicles and simultaneously noticed a brave Corvette doing the same but from the very back of the pack. After I cleared and returned to the right lane I slowed back down to 90-mph (it was my sister's car after all!) and waited for the Vette to overtake me. Seeing that we were all clear on a 1-mile straightaway I did the customary Texas gesture of blinking twice and moving 1/2-way onto the shoulder to encourage him to pass. After he goes by I let him get about 2-seconds ahead, step into the throttle and follow at about 115-mph. He noticed me in his rear-view, and I could smell the cats as he went WOT so ok I gave in to the moment I figured what the hell let's see what the Benz can really do and went for broke, and I read 135-ish on the speedometer as I was overtaking him but I did not look afterwards so I can't tell you how fast the Benz was going when I lifted off for the next curve... but we were hauling serious ass.


We rolled-up to Farmington CA, which is a 4-way stop in the highway with a country store and bar that's been there since Christ was a kid. As we were approaching the intersection a CHP cruiser pulled out from the closed store in front of us; the Vette immediately chickened-out and parked at the front of the closed store and I resumed my commute behind the patrolman, we drove along very unexcitedly for another 15-minues at what I assumed was the speed limit (60-65 mph) and all was good until we got within sight of the Calaveras County line - the officer signals and pulls onto the shoulder and I assumed he was doubling-back towards Farmington to resume his assigned route BUT NO this guy pulls back out and lights me up. :confused: He then writes me a citation for following him at 65-mph in a 55 zone. :eek: I asked if he was mistaken as there was a 65-mph sign clearly visible to us about a mile ahead, and he answers "No boy [that f'cking pissed me off] in this county it's 55; the speed limit isn't 65 until you cross the county line..." :mad:


So there you go, another life lesson from the career speeder - if you are pulled over on Christmas morning just know you're going to get a 'present' from the officer as they will certainly be in the most foul mood having been stuck on the shitty assignment of patroling the middle of nowhere on Christmas morning.


So Officer Stitches - did you have to work Christmas morning?! :jester:


Mr. P.

Edited by misterp (see edit history)
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So there you go, another life lesson from the career speeder - if you are pulled over on Christmas morning just know you're going to get a 'present' from the officer as they will certainly be in the most foul mood having been stuck on the shitty assignment of patroling the middle of nowhere on Christmas morning.


So Officer Stitches - did you have to work Christmas morning?!  :jester:


Mr. P.


Well Mr. P ... that sucks .... BTW it's not a present, It's a "Gift Certificate to the Commonwealth". No, I actually took some vacatrion for Christmas. I did work New Years instead.

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