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Pics for a Friend...Cheak Em Out


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:D  :D  :D  :D  :D . he didn't look handicapped


I dont look handicap either but I have handicap parking privledges for life. Things are not always as they appear .. I know that was just in jest but I get bad looks all the time from people and it aggrivates me because they dont know my story and understand what I deal with on a daily basis. :thumbs:

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:D  :D  :D  :D  :D . he didn't look handicapped


I dont look handicap either but I have handicap parking privledges for life. Things are not always as they appear .. I know that was just in jest but I get bad looks all the time from people and it aggrivates me because they dont know my story and understand what I deal with on a daily basis. :thumbs:


i must confess that i have probably been guilty of slighted judgement on this subject before as well. the following is not an attack on anyone in particular just a somewhat biased opinion of something i see all too often.


i have to admit that one of my pet peevs in life is pulling up in a shopping center and seeing someone parking in a handicap space whose only evident handicap is the fact that they weigh 400 plus pounds and they probably can't walk more than 30 feet without sitting down. to me that hardly qualifies as a handicap but what do i know. probably an unfair assesment on my part but ive seen it far too much and it really does irritate the fuct out of me.

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:D  :D  :D  :D  :D . he didn't look handicapped


I dont look handicap either but I have handicap parking privledges for life. Things are not always as they appear .. I know that was just in jest but I get bad looks all the time from people and it aggrivates me because they dont know my story and understand what I deal with on a daily basis. :thumbs:


i must confess that i have probably been guilty of slighted judgement on this subject before as well. the following is not an attack on anyone in particular just a somewhat biased opinion of something i see all too often.


i have to admit that one of my pet peevs in life is pulling up in a shopping center and seeing someone parking in a handicap space whose only evident handicap is the fact that they weigh 400 plus pounds and they probably can't walk more than 30 feet without sitting down. to me that hardly qualifies as a handicap but what do i know. probably an unfair assesment on my part but ive seen it far too much and it really does irritate the fuct out of me.


I completely agree with you being fat IMO is not a handicap that is a choice. I try not to get to upset about people judging me but I have my days that I am just hurting. See 4 years ago this June I was in an accident on the job that resulted in a shattered heel which ran up into my ankle, loss of my sense of smell and taste. The heel took 3.5 hours to put back together and as a result I now have a right foot basically half made of metal. People just see a young man hop out of his nice truck in a handicap zone and just look at me and shake their head. I just wish they could spend a day in my shoes. EVERY step I take I am reminded of what happend. EVERY morning its all I can do just to walk down the hallway when I get out of bed. Once I get going I tend to walk ok just with a limp somedays more noticable than others. Its hard on me to go anywhere that I have to spend more than 2 hours on my feet that just damn near makes my ankle feel like its broke. I am just happy that after 2.5 years of walking with crutches or a cain I am now not using one although there are days I need to I just refuse to anymore. Sorry for my long reply I just struggle daily with this because I am not allowed to forget that day 4 years ago. I try and look at the good things I am now in college because I am unable to go back to my original work and I got my SSS. :nonod:

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