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cingular finally got it right


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I still fail to understand the big deal with cell phones!  :dunno:


I see some people always have to have the latest, greatest, newly released cell phones and I just don't understand the mentality of it. All I need to do with my cell is to make and recieve calls, that's it!  :flag:


Hell, it's just like everything else man.


You like to mod your truck and have the latest and greatest mods for it, why not your phone?


Most people just use a car to 'get from point A to point B', so why bother to have all the toys on it? :dunno:


Same with computers as well, most people don't need a 22" widescreen display, a terabyte of space and 3 Gigs of RAM, but it sure is nice! :driving:


Some people just like cool stuff, even if it's worthless to 95% of the population. :cool:


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I still fail to understand the big deal with cell phones!  :dunno:


I see some people always have to have the latest, greatest, newly released cell phones and I just don't understand the mentality of it. All I need to do with my cell is to make and recieve calls, that's it!  :flag:


:withstupid: I use my cell phone to make and receive calls that's it. I don't text or anything else. Cell phones are getting stupid. :nono: Who needs a mini computer/cell phone? Just another reason some a-hole will run me off the road so he can play with his iphone :banghead:


Well, I could carry a Palm Pilot for all my numbers, then enter them into a separate cell phone when I make a call. Use a calculator I have to have around as well. Keep a scheduler for my appointments. Carry an MP3 player also. Carry a digital voice recorder for memos. Don't forget a camera. Or I could just use one of the more "stupid" cell phones.


To each his own, it all depends on how you use it. Buying a phone cause it's the "latest" is absurd, but don't discount the functionality of these newer phones.


Oh, and I don't use the TRS-80 anymore either :D


Adding more things to cell phones will just make people try to use them more while driving. I use to get the latest and greatest stuff but I learned that I don't really need half the things I bought. It has saved me a ton of money just getting what I need. I think cell phones companies are just catering(sp?) to what "kids" want and not what they need. My razor has many nice features but I got it because if it's size. It's easy to carry and pretty easy to use. :thumbs:

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