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Using credit scores for insurance premiums in Michigan and I believe Ohio, is illegal...as it should be. Its quite simple, you dont pay, your not covered. There isnt anything they can do to you otherwise. Send it to collection. I dont believe credit should be used to determine your payments for insurance. For interest rates? Sure they should be, thats what it was designed for. It would be the same thing as your cable company charging you $100 for having bad credit and only charging your neighbor $50 for having good credit. Does that make sense? Seriously...I hate insurance companies for the most part. They lobby to have laws and rules written in their favor and charge you as much as possible. Insurance companies are bigger cash cows than credit card companies.

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I'm with Southern Farm Bureau and pay 100 bucks a month for both my 03 SS and 04 Trailblazer and thats with 100 deductible...no tickets or accidents...I have life insurance and house insurance with the same company..so everything gets a good discount.

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you all would cry if you had nmy insurance for a month,  $356 a month for full coverage on 2 vehicle

i feel your pain i pay 300 for two vehicles full coverage... and the funny part is that im pretty postive that its all my truck cause i put it in storage status when i deployed and just had full coverage on car for x and it ws only 75 a month.

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All I can say is WOW to some of you guys ....


I pay only $1350.00 per Year, Farm Family Casualty Ins. Co. ... And that's for full coverage on an '04 SSS and moderate coverage on a '98 Crown Vic.


BTW ... Mass is regulated, and the entire state is going down almost 12% this year in April ....

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Those seem like good rates.  I was looking at those GTOs and i knew insurance was going to be high, but i didnt expect 1023 every 6mo.  Im used to paying like 175 for every 3mo.


LOL! You people don't understand what expensive is until you've been in my shoes! Try $2100 every six months for SS(full cover.) Trans Am(liability) Thats around $350 a month for me... 18, 1 ticket, no wrecks.

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i think it has to do alot with where you live as well. I noticed that alaskan insurance ws slightly higher, and my bank makes me have a 500 dollar deductible when i usually keep a 1000 and it lowers my payments quit substantially

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